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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
225 It was ordered that five thousand (5000) catalogues be printed under the direction of the Kegent and Business Agent. Adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. at the University parlor. SECOND DAY S SESSION. The Board assembled as per adjournment. Present as yesterday. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, The Governor of the State commissions as Captains in the .State Militia, on their graduation from the University, such students of the class in Military Tactics as complete the course thoroughly, and obtain the ndcessary experience in commanding; Resolved, That, since these commissions are designed as honors conferred for special merit and proficiency in Military Science, they will be awarded on a special examination to be made by a committee appointed by the Faculty. On motion of Mr. Scott, the recommendation of the Begent, that the Preparatory Department of the University be dispensed with after June, 1881, was adopted. The recommendations as to farm operations and experiments wTere referred to the Farm Committee, to report at this meeting. Mr. C. I. Hayes was allowed leave of absence without pay from April 1, to September 1, 1880. The Begent's recommendations in regard to Mr. Lewis as substitute for Mr. T. Cays, was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and Prof. Burrill, with power to act. Mr. Millard moved, seconded by Mr. Scott, that three chemical balances, be purchased at a cost not to exceed $200, from the State appropriations for Laboratories. On motion of Col. Mason, leave of absence for the Summer vacation was granted to Prof. H. A. Weber. The request of Prof. I. O. Baker, from the department of Civil Engineering, for $10, to repair platform of Observatory, was granted; the request for purchase of a Universal Transit instrument was referred to the Kegent. Treasurer J. W. Bunn then read his report, which was accepted and ordered on file: ILLINOIS INDUSTBIAL UNIVEESITY, In account with JOHN W. BUNN, Treasurer. DR. 1880. Febu'ry28. To amount paid for Board expense Salaries '' " Building and grounds... Fuel and lights " Stationery and printing Fixtures and furniture.. Mechanical Department " " Architectural Agricultural " " " Horticultural " " " Chemical Military " " " Library and apparatus.. Incidentals $50 7,440 15 963 106 16 548 263 1,357 136 133 71 15 90 21 17 04 85 24 02| 07 41 82 37 68 541 78 81 $11,208 51 —15
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