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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

219 The report was received. The Chairman then appointed the following committees, as byresolutions : Farm Committee—Mr. Scott, Chairman; Messrs. Millard and Fountain. Committee on Buildings and Grounds—Mr. Gardner, Chairman; Messrs. McLean and Mason. Mr. Gardner asked for more time to settle with Mr. Percival, which was granted. The renting of Dormitory, having been referred to Mr. Gardner and Business Agent, was passed over until next meeting. The resolution to»repeal last clause of By-laws, laid over from last meeting, was taken up. Moved by Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Millard, that the last clause of the IVth By-law be repealed. Carried, with six affirmative votes. Moved by Mr. Scott, that the said By-laws be changed so as to read, "one hundred thousand dollars," for Treasurer's bond, instead of "three hundred thousand dollars." Carried, by six affirmative votes. Mr. Millard offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Farm Committee be authorized to take charge of all the recommendations in the reports of the Head Farmer and the Professor of Agriculture, that they designate their respective duties in conducting experiments, and that they have the management of the two departments with full power to act in the premises. On motion of Mr. Gardner, the Board adjourned. EMORY COBB, President. E. SNYDER, Secretary.
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