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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

196 MEETING OF THE BOAKD OF TRUSTEES, DECEMBER 16, 1879. The Board met in the University parlor, at 4 o'clock P. M., President E. Cobb in the chair. Present—Messrs. Cobb, Fountain, Gardner, Mason, Millard and Scott. Absent—Governor Cullom, Messrs. Byrd, Conkling and McLean. The Secretary read letters from Messrs. Conkling and McLean, regretting their inability to attend this meeting. The records of last meeting were read and approved. Eegent J. M. Gregory then presented the following report, which was received: EEGENT'S KEPORT. To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to present to you my quarterly report of the condition and wants of the University. Absent, by your permission, till the first of November, I found, on my return, the University in the midst of successful work; instructors and students quietly and earnestly pursuing the great work which brings them together. The figures given you below will show an attendance a little larger than that of any former term, and, if the entries of the winter term shall equal those of former years, the total attendance of the year will be much higher than that ever before enrolled. We have a large number of students absent, teaching, or at work in other employments, but who are known to have the intention to return, and who may be counted, as they count themselves still, as students of the University; but by our usage they never appear on our rolls or in our catalogues, if not present during the year. Report of Attendance, Fall Term, 1879. Males. 17 53 34 66 7 1 24 30 l'l 303 Females. Total. 17 53 44 98 12 3 30 45 124 381 " " " " " '* Engineering " Natural Science *' " " " " ' ' Literature and Science Not classified in any college Post graduates Students entering before Fall Term, 1879, not yet matriculated Students entering Fall Term, 1879, matriculated, mentioned above Students entering Fall Term, 1879, unmatriculated Total attendance Attendance by classes. Post graduates S e n i o r class Junior class Sophomore class F r e s h m a n class Non-matriculated and preparatory Total a t t e n d a n c e .'. 10 32 5 2 6 15 23 78 1 23 49 49 57 125 303 2 8 14 6 19 29 78 3 30 63 55 75 154 381 Of the non-matriculated students, many are engaged in making up some one or more deficiencies, which will enable them to matriculate at the close of this term. So far as these students have declared their intentions, their proposed courses of study are as follows:
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