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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
192 Upon motion of Mr. Gardner, it was voted that the students in the preliminary year be not required to wear the uniforms. The Faculty were authorized to employ a teacher of elocution without expense to the University. Mr. C. C. Barnes was employed as third assistant in their Laboratory, with $15 per month in fall and winter, and $10 per month for spring term. The recommendations of the Faculty for the following students, graduates of 1879, to receive captain's commissions in the Illinois National Guard, were approved: Messrs. B. P. Coburn, Wm. Thompson, F . E. Walker, Arthur Swannell, W. P. Johnson. Mr. Gardner was appointed a committee to settle the difference with Mr. Percival, in regard to fence line between his lands and the University farm, with power to act and arrange. The following resolution was offered by Mr. B. B. Mason, and passed: Besolved, That the Board do not deem it judicious to increase the salary of the Head Farmer. That they appreciate- the services of Mr. E. L. Lawrence and should regret to lose his valuable experience on the University Farm, but consider it injudicious to incur additional expense in its management. Treasurer J. W. Bunn made his quarterly statement of receipts and expenditures, which was received: ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, In account with John W. Bunn, Treasurer. CE. 1879. June 10.... By balance interest on Menard county b o n d s — Morgan county bonds June 15— Pike county bonds Julyl Champaign county bonds. Sangamon county bonds... Chicago, 7 per cent Illinois 6 per cent bonds amount received from State to pay taxes on lands in Nebraska By amount received from State for buildings and| grounds By amount received from State for Chemical and Physical Laboratories By amount received from State for Mechanical Shops " " " Library and museum. " " " Geological, Minerological and Geological Cabinets " " " Water closets.drainage, etc Engine, boiler and steam pipe fori heating apparatus. $4,270 89 700 00 2,000 00 $3,500 00 4,600 00 880 00 875 00 810 00 10,665 00 $2,298 52 2,500 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 1,500 0 J 0 1,000 00 2,500 00 3,000 00 15,298 52 $1,047 16 1,332 99 830 00 269 121 226 78 57 38 32 50 90 133 00 100 00 335 95 $37,327 69 Aug. 30.... By amount rec'don account of Architectural Department. Mechanical " '• Agricultural " " " " Horticultural " " Chemical ' '* " Fuel and lights Buildings and grounds Printing and stationery.... Fees and room rent Tuition 111. Cent. R. R. donation
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