Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
18 the Horticultural Department for houses, green-house, barns, drainage, tools, trees, etc.; $25,000 for Mechanical and Military building, machinery, etc.; $127,000 toward the erection of the main building, and furnishing the same; $10,500 for chemical apparatus; $25,000 for Library; $5,000 for the apparatus of a Physical laboratory; $3,000 for a Veterinary hall, smble and apparatus; $40,000 for Chemical building, besides smaller amounts for agricultural experiments, etc. ORGANIZATION OF T H E UNIVERSITY. The Institution is a University in the American sense. It embraces four Colleges, which are subdivided into Schools. A School is understood to embrace the course of instruction needful for some one profession or vocation. Schools that are cognate in character and studies, are grouped in the same College. The following are the Colleges and Schools: I. II. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. COLLEGE OF ENGINEEKING. School of Mechanical Engineering. School of Architecture. School of Civil and Mining Engineering. III. COLLEGE OF NATUKAL SCIENCE. School of Chemistry. School of Natural History. School of Domestic Science. IV. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. School of English and Modern Languages. Languages. V. ADDITIONAL SCHOOLS. School of Ancient School of Military Science. School of Art and Design. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Elocution, Telegraphing and Photography are also taught, but not as parts of the regular courses.