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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

179 The recommendations of the Faculty, for conferring degrees and certificates on those entitled to them, were approved, and the following degrees and certificates granted: Class of 1879. 0. W. Hoit, Elisha Lee; Bachelor of Science, School of Agriculture. E. B. Coburn; Bachelor of Science, School of Mechanical Engineering. H. P. Bourne, F . S. Milton; Civil Engineering. J. H. Gunder, W. P. Kemble, Isaac Kuhn, W. Thompson; Bachelor of Science, School of Mining Engineering. Miss Mary L. Page; Bachelor of Science, School of Architecture. Miss Augusta E. Butts; Bachelor of Science, School of Natural History. Miss Isabel Hale; Bachelor of Science, School of Domestic Science. Lorado Taft, Henry M. Beardsley, Miss Minnette C. McAllister; Bachelor of Literature, School of English and Modern Languages. S. Cecil Stanton, Arthur Swannell, W. N. Butler, C. L. Whitmire, W. P. Johnson, F . E. Walker, Nettie Kimberlin; Certificates. Other Students. George B. Shawhan; Bachelor of Literature, School of English and Modern Languages. Charles A. Smith; Bachelor of Science, School of Mechanical Engineering. Emma C. Piatt, Sarah Deardorf; Bachelor of Science, School of Domestic Science. Emma Page; Master of Literature, School of English and Modern Languages. Henry S. Keynolds; Master of Science, School of Natural History. C. C. Wakefield, W. L. Williams, Wm. Collins; Partial certificates. Colonel Mason was, upon motion, granted leave of absence. The Board adjourned to 2:30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board met on time; present as before, Mr. Fountain arriving, instead of Colonel Mason, excused. The Auditing Committee made the following report, which was approved : To the Honorable Board of Trustees Illinois Industrial University: The committee to whom was referred the report of the Treasurer, beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the books and vouchers, and find that warrants numbered 442 to 827, inclusive, and warrants numbered 1 to 392, inclusive, issued from March 1, 1878, to March 1,1879, have been paid and canceled. Respectfully submitted. ALEX. McLEAN, JAS. R. SCOTT, S. M. MILLARD, Committee.
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