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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

167 Mr. McLean offered the following preamble and resolution, which were adopted: WHEEEAS, J. H. Pickrell, an old and efficient member of this Board ever since its organization, has placed in the hands of the Governor his resignation as such member, to take effect March 15,1879; therefore, be it . Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University are hereby tendered to J. H. Pickrell, Esq., for his valuable services, counsel and interest in contributing to the success of this Institution, and that this resolution be made a part of the records of this Board. Lieut. Dinwiddie's request to be relieved from duty here was referred to the Executive Committee and the Eegent, with power to act. On motion, it was resolved that the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to the President, Eegent and Treasurer for their services and counsel during the past year. Mr. Millard moved that the Eegent be and is hereby directed to submit to the Attorney-General of the State of Illinois the constitution, rules and by-laws of the students' organization of the Illinois Industrial University, and to ask of him a written opinion whether the system of students' government under said constitution and bylaws is in conflict with the laws of the State of Illinois. The Executive Committee was instructed to mature a plan for leasing wild lands belonging to the University, and report to the June meeting. Messrs. McLean, Fountain and Millard were appointed a standing Committee on Endowment and Income. Adjourned.
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