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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
162 CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , March 11,1879. President Board of Trustees Illinois Industrial University: S I E : I have the honor to make the following report, as Business Agent, for the three months ending February 28,1879. Paper "A" is a statement of the appropriations for the six months ending February 28, with the receipts and expenditures under the same. Paper "B" is a statement of the State appropriations to date. Paper "C" is the list of vouchers for warrants drawn, and of of bills presented for auditing. Respectfully submitted. S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent. Current Appropriations and Receipts. 4 Item. Board expense Salaries Buildings and grounds Fuel a n d lights Stationery and printing F i x t u r e s a n d furniture Mechanical department Architectural " Agricultural " Horticultural " Chemical Military " Library and apparatus Incidentals Sund7*ies— Cabinets Architectural department, furniture Physical laboratory, balance Food specimens, Domestic Science. Preparatory department State Appropriations Fees and room rents Illinois C e n t r a l R. It. d o n a t i o n Appropri't'd $300 00 17,310 00 100 00 3,000 00 325 00 100 00 260 68 109 61 1.152 17 321 53 258 12 50 00 50 00 200 00 1144 39 00 198 55 30 00 Receipts. Expended. $289 23 14,967 55 64 39 2,064 30 302 18 99 23 1,279 04 1,261 67 2,413 47 460 22 525 20 47 43 8 48 186 61 6 25 Balance. $10 77 2,342 45 * 116 26 1,184 83 22 82 77 62 32 103 28 1,766 83 —6 01 86 03 2 57 43 47 28 89 5 39 175 30 426 19 00 24 00 50 $80 65 249 13 1,080 68 1,255 34 3,028 13 138 69 353 11 1 95 15 50 5 10 1,696 50 3,810 00 4,346 55 28 41 1,270 00 8,166 21 State Appropriations. I Item. Buildings and grounds Chemical and Physical laboratories Mechanical and Architectural shops Library cases B o o k s and p u b l i c a t i o n s Cabinet cases Cabinets, Chemical laboratory Greenhouse Taxes on lands .' Appropriated $5,000 00 2,000 00 3,000 00 1,000 00 3,000 00 4,500 00 2,000 00 40,000 00 2,500 00 4,306 02 $67,306 02 Expended. $4,658 34 1,799 93 2,447 46 1,000 00 2,286 59 1,953 98 1,917 59 39,950 98 2,500 00 4,306 02 $62,820 89 Unexpended. $341 66 200 07 552 54 713 41 2,546 02 82 41 49 02 $4,485 13
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