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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

80 The following rules in regard to the matter of conferring degrees, were adopted : DEGREES. WHEREAS, on petition of the alumni, the last general assembly of the state enacted that 'on recommendation of the faculty, the trustees may authorize the regent, as president of the University, to issue diplomas to such persons as shall have completed satisfactorily the required studies, and sustained the examination therein, conferring such literary and scientific degrees as are usually conferred by universities for similar or equivalent courses of studies, or such as the trustees may deem appropriate." Approved May 11, 1877. And 4 Whereas, before exercising the power granted by this act the trustees deemed it wise to ascertain fully the views of other institutions of similar charcter, and especially of those organized under the same congressional grant, a conference of the leading officers of these institutions was held in Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1877. The institutions represented concurred unanimously in the utility of degrees when properly conferred, and all except this University had already introduced them. In accordance with the decision of the conference, the following system of degrees were adopted for*the University: 1. All studies will remain as heretofore- free. Each student may choose and pursue such studies as he may desire, subject only to such conditions as to preparation, times of study, and number of studies as may be necessary to secure efficiency in classes and economy in teaching. 2. But students who wish to be candidates for any degree, must complete fully the course of studies prescribed for such degree. 3. Students not candidates for any degree will be enrolled as special students, and will receive at the close of their attendance, if not less than a year, the certificates provided by law, with statement of work done and of credits attained. 4. It is designed that the requirements for all the bachelors' degrees shall be, as nearly as possible, equal in amount and value. 5. The degree of bachelor of science, B. S., will be given to those who complete either of the courses of studies in the colleges of engineering, agriculture, or natural science, or in domestic science. The name of the school will be inserted after the degree. 6. The degree of bachelor of letters, B. L., will be given to those who complete the course in the school of English and modern languages. 7. The degree of bachelor of arts, B. A., will be given to those who complete the course in the school of ancient languages. 8. The masters' degrees, M. S., M. L., and M. A., and the equivalent degrees of C. E., M. E., &c., will be only given to those who have pursued and passed examinations on a year of prescribed post-graduate studies, and presented an accepted thesis, or after a term of successful practice with a thesis. The businesss agent then submitted the following r e p o r t : BUSINESS AGENT'S REPORT. CHAMPAIGN, ILLS., March 12th, 1878. Hon. Emory Cobb, President Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University: SIR:—I have the honor to make the following financial statement for the six months ending February 28th, 1878. Paper A is a statement of the current appropriations and expenditures under the same for the six months. Paper B is a statement of the state appropriations, February 28th. Paper C is a list of warrants drawn in the last three months, the vouchers for the same, from 382 to 441, inclusive, are presented for auditing. Paper I) is a package of bills which are presented for your action. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Ag&nL
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