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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

67 ai. I will then prepare the working- drawings and specifications ready for the contracts, or such as you think proper to let at present. The gas and water put in floors and a part of tin air flues will be needed very soon. Very respectfully submitted, N. CLIFFOBD BICKER, Prof, of Architecture, and Architect Chemical Laboratory. Report referred to building committee. ' •-. On motion, the purchase of pamphlet cases for library was referred to Mr. Gardner and the regent, with power to act. Upon a report from the librarian, the periodicals for next year were ordered to be continued the same as this year. A request for repairs of bindings was referred to Mr. Gardner and the librarian, with power to act. An amount of $25 00 was added to a former appropriation for counter, etc., in bookkeeping room. On motion, Dr. Gregory, Messrs. Sabin and McLean were appointed delegates to a convention at Columbus, Ohio, December 27th, 1877. Dr. Gregory was authorized to attend the meeting of the state board of health, and an invitation was extended to said board, to use the university parlor for their meeting here on December 20th, 1877. Authority was given to the regent and faculty to have the annual catalogues printed during winter term, 1878—cost not to exceed $200. T h e farm committee made the following report, which was received: CHAMPAIGN, December 5th, 1877. To the Chairman and Trustees of the Industrial University of the State of Illinois: The undersigned committee, appointed by your body, at the September meeting of your board, to examine and report relative to the working and condition (financially) of the farms belonging to the University, would beg leave to report that we have examined the accounts and statements of Mr. E. L. Lawrence, head farmer, and herewith submit his reports, accounts, etc., and desire the same may be made part of this report, the same being marked * 'A, B. C, D, E, F and Gr,'' respectively. Your committee would also recommend that the stock farm, including the Busey and Griggs farms, should be under the control and superintendency of the head farmer, and that he be responsible for their proper management, and disposal of the products of the same, and that said head farmer shall, when called upon and when practicable, be subject to the orders of the professor of agriculture in the experimental farm, in furnishing horses, implements and labor for experiments in his department, and further, that the professor of agriculture shall, with the assistance of the head farmer, decide as to the manner or mode of treatment of all blooded stock belonging to the University. The purchase or sale of such stock shall be under the control of the board of trustees, or such committee as they may appoint for that purpose. We would also recommend that proper books be obtained, opened and kept by the head farmer, wherein shall be entered each and every article, implement, stock or other property belonging to his department, together with the cost thereof (keeping such accounts separately, to-wit: stock, implements, products, labor and such other accounts as are necessary); also items of every name or nature sold from the farms, giving date and price of same, and to regularly charge all, moneys for repairs, new implements and labor made or incurred during the year, and to render his account of same, when called upon by the board of trustees, and at the regular meeting of said board in the month of December of each year, showing in itemized form what property, stock, etc., with fair estimate of value of same on hand, together with statements of income from all products or other property sold from the farms during the year ending November 30, of each year hereafter. And further recommend, that the head farmer shall keep an account of all such labor as he may furnish the several departments of the University, charging the same to the roper department, separate accounts of such labor, a statement of the same to be ren§ered to the board of trustees at their December meeting. And further, that all field crops, fruits and other products raised on the experimental or horticultural farms, shall be sold by the head farmer, who shall account for the same in the manner and form designated and provided for in the stock farms. We would further recommend, that the professor of agriculture shall designate what particular part or parts of the experimental farm he may desire for his use in his de-
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