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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
34 FULL CERTIFICATES—Concluded. NAME. COURSE. " RESIDENCE. Bogardus, E v a Falls, Ida Bell Gregorv, Helen B Page, Martha Ellen. Piatt Emma C .... Victor, Carrie .. L. — D. L. L. L. L. L. D. L L. L. L s. & s & s.. S &e &S &S &S &S S &S &S &S &S Urbana, Champaign. 11 u * t 4* t 4 Monti cello. Champaign. Union. Champaign. Champaign. PARTIAL CERTIFICATES. William EL Crayne Linn C. Bennett, Robert E. Worrell Charles B. Taylor Edward B. P e r r y J a m e s W. Wilson.. IL.iL. |L. IL. iL. |L. & & & & & & S S S S S S (Urbana, 111. Pontiac, 111. IBowen, 111. !Urbana, 111. 1 Beaufort, S. < iRiverton, 111. The committee on janiters were granted further time ; also to committee on by-laws. The committee on selling graduating machine reported no sale. The committee on model of horse reported that the order was made, but the model could not be obtained before next year. Mr. Gardner, to whom was referred the sale of Griggs's farm, has not been been able to sell the same. Continued. Mr. Gardner, chairman of committee on exchange of bonds, made the following report : Y o u r committee to whom was referred t h e investing of t h e proceeds of t h e $115,000.00 Champaign county bonds, due May 1, 1877, beg leave t o report t h a t they exchanged $100,000.00 at p a r for same amount of Champaign county 8 p e r cent, bonds, due in Ave years with privilege of t e n years, and purchased $15,000 Champaign 8 p e r cent, bonds, for which we paid a p r e m i u m of $325. D. GARDNER, U r b a n a , J u n e 6, 1877. JOHN W . BUNN. The report was received, and the committee discharged. Mr. Blackburn's resolution fiom March meeting, in regard to secretaries and business agent, was taken up. T h e following motion of Mr. Pickrell was carried : Whereas, there is barely a quorum present, therefore be it resolved that the whole matter be postponed till the September meeting. The committee on legislation made the following report: U R B A N A , J u n e 6th, 1877. To the Honorable Board of Trustees, Illinois Industrial University: MESSRS : Your committee upon legislation beg leave t o r e p o r t as follows. T h r e e bills were passed, v i z . : Senate bill 81—amending t h e law in regard to i n v e s t m e n t s . Senate bill 84—making appropriations to t h e University. Senate bill 223—giving authority to Ihe t r u s t e e s to g r a n t diplomas. Copies of t h e above t h r e e named bills a r e inclosed herewith. D. J). SABIN, ) J. H. PICKRELL, [ Committee. D. GARB-NEK. )
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