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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

284 Illinois leads Pennsylvania, which is next, by 6,000,000 bushels. Will, Cook and LaSalle were t h e leading counties in 1870. Acreage, auditor' s report : 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 Acres. 1,8i7,463 1,821,093 ....... TRISETUM, palustre, native, L a p h a m . AIRA, Hair Grass. csespitosa, native, Vasey. HIEROCHLOA, Holy Grass. borealis, Vanilla or Seneca Grass, native, Vasey. ANTHOXANTHUM, Sweet Scented Vernal, Grass. o d o r a t u m . cultivated from E u r o p e . 4 'Almost t h e only grass t h a t is f r a g r a n t . " — Flint. "Should be introduced into all m i x t u r e s for p e r m a n e n t p a s t u r e s , on acount of its early spring growth, as it is also one of the latest in a u t u m n . " —Gibson, of New Y o r k Mills. P H A L A R I S , Canary Grass. canariensis, Canary Grass, naturalized from E u r o p e , Cook county, Babcock. Seed used for canaries, arundinacea, Reed Canary Grass, native Lapham, Cook county, Babcock; Champaign. The ribbon grass is a variety of this. MILIUM, Millet Grass, effusum, native, Gray. PASPALUM. fluitans, native, L a p h a m . setaceum, native, Lapham. lgeve, native, L a p h a m . frankii, St. Clair county, Brendel. waltenanum, Schultz, St. Clair, Brendel. PANICUM, Panic Grass. flliforme, native, L a p h a m ; common. glabrum, naturalized from Europe, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; common. pauciflorum, E l l . ; prairies, common. aanguinale, Common Crab or Finger Grass, naturalized from Europe, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. Grown in southern states for hay, b u t also a troublesome weed. anceps, native, Yasey; Peoria county, Brendel. agrostoides, native, L a p h a m . proliferum, native, Lapham. capillare, Old Witch Grass, native, L a p h a m ; everywhere. a u t u m n a l e , native, L a p h a m ; Mason county, Mead; Hall. virgatum, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. latifolium, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. clandestinum, native, Lapham. microcarpon, native, L a p h a m . xanthophysum, native, L a p h a m . dichotomum, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county; Babcock. d e p a u p e r a t u m , native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. erus-galli, Barn Yard Grass, naturalised from Europe, common everywhere. " S u c culent and n u t r i t i v e . " — F l i n t . var. hispidum, naturalized, L a p h a m . SET ARIA, Bristly Fox Tail Grass. glauca, Fox Tail, adventive from Europe, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; common, viridis, Green Fox Tail, Bottle Grass, adventive from Europe, common, italica or germanica, Italian Millet, Bengal Grass, Hungarian Grass, cultivated for hay and adventive, Cook county Babcock. CENCHRUS, Hedgehog or Bur Grass, vile weed, tribuloides, native, Cook county, Babcock. tripsacum, Gama Grass, Sesame Grass, native, L a p h a m . " O n e of o u r largest and most remarkable g r a s s e s . " — G r a y . TRIPSACUM. dactyloides, a large coarse g r a s s . ZEA, Indian Corn. mays, cultivated from South America in g r e a t variety and immense q u a n t i t y . I t stands n e x t to rice in its sub-tropical n a t u r e and its importance as a cereal, n o t only in all p a r t s of the new world, b u t in much of the old. I t s American origin is sufficiently proven by its immense antiquity, shown by Darwin, who " f o u n d on t h e coast of Peru, heads of maize, together with eighteen species of r e c e n t seashells, embedded in a beach which had been upraised at least 85 feet above t h e level of t h e s e a . " I t s production in t h e United States and in Illinois w a s :
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