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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

277 TRADESCANTIA, Spiderwort. virginica, Common Spiderwort, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county, Macauley. Also cultivated for o r n a m e n t , pilosa, native, Lapham, Champaign county, zebrina, cultivated from t h e tropics in conservatories as foliage plant. X Y R I D A C E ^ E — Y E L L O W - E Y E D GRASS XYRIS, Yellow-eyed Grass. flexnosa, native, Gray; rare. FAMILY. C Y P E R A C E J E — S E D G E FAMILY. CYPERUS, Galingale. Sedge. esculentus, Chufa or Earth Almond, is cultivated from south E u r o p e for its'nut-like, sweet tasted t u b e r s . flavescens, native, L a p h a m . diandrus, native, Lapham. erythrorhizos, native, Lapham. inflexus, n a t i v e , Lapham. acuminatum, native, L a p h a m . phymatodes, native, L a p h a m . strigosus, native, L a p h a m . engelmanni; native, L a p h a m . schweinizii, native, L a p h a m . filiculmis, native, L a p h a m . michauxianus, Schultes; low ground, frequent. ovularis, native, L a p h a m . KYLLINGIA. pumila, native, L a p h a m . DULYCHIUM. spathasium, native, L a p h a m . FUIRENA, Umbrella Grass. squarrosa, native, L a p h a m . HERMICARPHA. subsquarrosa, native, Gray. ELEOCHARIS, Spike Bush. quadrangulata, native, L a p h a m . obtusa, native, L a p h a m . olivacea, native, St. Clair county, Brendel. palustris, native, Lapham. compressa, native, L a p h a m . intermedia, native, Vasey; St. Clair county, Brendel. wolfli, Gray; margins of ponds, Peoria county, Brendel; Pulton, Wolf; Menard. Hall. engelmanni, Stend. var. detonsa, Gray; Henderson county, P a t t e r s o n . tenuis, native, L a p h a m . acicularis, native, L a p h a m . SCIRPUS, Bullrush or Club-rush. paciflorus, native, north, Vasey. casspitosus, native, north, Vasey. planifolius, native, Vasey. pungens, native, Lapham. validus, Great Bul-rush, native, Lapham debilis, native, L a p h a m . smithii, native, L a p h a m . supinus v a r . Hallii, native, Hall. fluviatilis, River Club-rush, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. atrovirens, native, L a p h a m . polyphyllus, native, L a p h a m . lineatus, native, Lapham. eriophorum, Michx.; wet places, frequent. ERIOPHORUM, Cotton Grass. polystachyon, native, L a p h a m . gracile, native, Lapham. virginicum L . , n e a r Chicago. FIMBRISTYLIS. spadicea, v a r . castanea. native, L a p h a m laxa, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. autumnalis, native, L a p h a m . capillaris, n a t i v e . L a p h a m . RHYNCHORUM, Beak Bush. • capillecia, native, Vasey. corniculata, native, Gray. cymosa, N u t t ; K a n k a k e e coutny, Hill. 22—
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