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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

271 SALISBURIA, Ginkgo. andiantifolia, cultivated for o r n a m e n t from ern Illinois.'' —Bryant. Japan. l 'Nearly quite hardy in n o r t h - P A L M A C E J E — P A L M FAMILY. CHAMiEROPS FORTTJNEI.—"This is a Chinese species, r e m a r k a b l e as t h e hardiest known p a l m . " H a s endured a t e m p e r a t u r e of 15 degress. See proceedings Massachusetts Horticultural Society, 1875, p . 10. AKACEiE—ARUM FAMILY. ARlSiEMA. Indian Turnip. triphyllum, Indian Turnip, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign. Macauley. draco ntium, Oreen Dragon, Dragon Root, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county, Macauley. COLOCASIA, Perennial. antiquorum, cultivated for its foliage here, a n d in Florida, e t c . , for its esculent rootstocks. PELTANDRA, Arrow Arum, perennial. virginica, native, Vasey. RICHARDIA, perennial. africana, ^Ethiopian o r Egyptian Calla, cultivated from Cape of Good Hope as a house plant. CALLA, Water Arum. palustris, native, St. Clair county, Brendel. SYMPLOCARPUS, Skunk Cabbage, p e r e n n i a l . foetidus, native, Yasey; north, Bebb; Peoria county Brendel. ORONTIUM, Golden Club. aquaticum, native, Vasey. ACORUS, calamus, Sweet Flag, perennials, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. L E M N A C E J E — D U C K W E E D FAMILY. LEMNA, Duckweed, Duck* s-n eat. trisulca, native, Lapham. polyrrhiza, native, L a p h a m . WOLFFIA. columbiana, Karsfcen; Ponds, Menard county, gelmanr* braziliensis, Weddell; Menard county, Hall. Hall; Fulton, Wolf; St. Clair, E n - T Y P H A C E ^ — C A T - T A I L FAMILY. T Y P H A , Cat-tail Flag. latifolia, Common Cat-tail o r Reed-mace, native, Lapham. SPARGANIUM, Bur-reed. eurycarpum, Engelm; wet places, common. var. androcladum, Gray; Wabash county, Schneck. var. angustifolium, native, Vasey. simplex, native, L a p h a m ramosum, introduced, L a p h a m . N A I D A C E ^ E — P O N D WEED FAMILY. NAIAS, Naiad, slender branching herbs, u n d e r water. flexilis, native, Vasey. indica var. gracillima, B r a u a ; ponds, Wabash county, Schneck. ZANNICHELLIA. palustris L. ponds. Widely disseminated, b u t n o t commonly m e t with. POTAMOGETON, Pondweed. natans, native, L a p h a m ; ponds. Vaseyi. n a t i v e , McHenry c o u n t y . Vasey. hybridus, native, Lapham. rufescens, native, Gray: McHenry county, Vasey. lonchites, native, Gray; Cook county, McHenry, Vasey. gramineus, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. var. heterophyllus, native, L a p h a m . lucens, native, L a p h a m ; McHenry county, Vasey; K a n k a k e e , Hill. pauciflorus, native, L a p h a m ; McHenry county, Vasey; Peoria, Brendel. pectinatus, native, Vasey; common. claytonii, T u c k e r m a n ; Fulton county, Wolf.
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