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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

20 the ttniversity, shall be written up to this time, for the guidance of our successors, and for the information of the people of the state. I accordingly requested the professors in charge to prepare for your use and disposal, short historical sketches of their several schools. These sketches I now lay before you, with the recommendation that they be communicated to the governor as a supplement to the last annual report now in his hands. TERM R E P O R T S . The term reports of the several professors and teachers, show that during the term the following classes have been instructed : Class! s t u I es. I dents 9 8 7 10 11 16 12 17 24 6 5 20 18 21 4 Chemistry Botany Horticulture . Microscopy .. History Latin . Greek English Elocution Book keepingAgriculture Physics. Mining- engineering Mechanical engineering , Architecture Mathematics 39 13 14 26 1 19 38 25 44 27 6 2 142 3 71 23 48 28 18 29 36 31 1 22 11 1 0 25 1 126 German French Military Civil engineering Domestic science Calisthenics Zoology Geology Physical geography Designing and drafting Modeling National philosophy Veterinary History of civilization. Music Class i Stiles, dents 67 60 39 56 20 70 18 24 34 58 15 15 CHANGE IN REGENT'S TERM. The close of another biennial term suggests to me to call your attention to the possible embarrassment, to which the University may be subjected by the termination of the regent's term of service, in the midst of the academic year. My first election was made at the first meeting of the board, March, 1867. I made my acceptance, and entered upon service the first of April, and my salary began at that time. As the law establishes the term of service at two years, the term expires either at the biennial anniversaries of the meeting when the original election occurred, or on the first of April, when the service actually commenced. In either case it may require a change in the head of the University, to take place in the midst of a term. I t is certainly desirable for the trustees to determine when the term properly begins, and to make an arrangement to have it terminate, if possible, at the proper close of the year's work. STATE APPROPRIATIONS. In accordance with the votes of the board, in concurrence with the ex-committee, I sent to the governor the list of appropriations asked for by you, from the general assembly, and on request of our members from this district I drafted a bill for the same. This bill is now
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