Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

143 SECOND Y E A R . 1. 2. 3. Advanced Algebra and Analytical Geometry; Land Surveying; German. Advanced Calculus; Drawing, 10; German. Advanced Calculus and Spherical Trigonometry; Topographical Surveying; German. THIRD YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Advanced Descriptive Geometry; Chemistry and Laboratory Practice; Railroad Surveying. Analytical Mechanics; Chemistry and Laboratory Practice; Physics; Weekly Exercises in Practical Astronomy. Analytical Mechanics; Astronomy; Physics; Weekly Exercises in Practical Astronomy. FOURTH YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Resistance of Materials and Hydraulics; Meteorology and Physical Geography; Geodesy. Bridges; Constitutional History; Geology. Stone Work; Physical Laboratory; Political Economy; Graduating Thesis. SCHOOL O F M I N I N G E N G I N E E R I N G . O B J E C T AND INSTRUCTION. This school is intended to qualify the student for undertaking mining operations of all kinds. Its instruction consists of »a thorough training in the principles of theoretical and applied chemistry, of chemical and blow-pipe analysis, of assaying and metallurgy, and of the engineering operations of mining. STUDIES AND APPARATUS. The course of studies embraces both the engineering and metallurgical studies, with practical exercises in analysis and assaying. A large collection of models from a celebrated European manufactory, and costing over $2,000, has been provided for this school. T h e geological and mineralogical cabinets are well provided with specimens of minerals, ores and rocks. In the new chemical laboratory, provision is made for metallurgical assaying laboratories, with stamp mill, furnaces and other apparatus required for practical instruction in this department.