Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

141 lines; parallel's and meridians ; methods of the United States surveys; barometric measurements. Land Surveying.—Areas ; distances : omissions and corrections ; standard u n i t s ; metrical system; refraction; curvature of the e a r t h ; theories of surveying instruments ; adjustment of instruments. P. P. Surveying.—Curves ; turnouts ; crossings ; obstructions ; slope stakes; earthwork; grades; curvature of r a i l s ; coning of w h e e l s ; calculation and use of tables. DRAWING. Projection Dravring.—Use of instruments in applying the elements of descriptive geometry; use of water colors; isometrical d r a w i n g ; shades ; shadows and perspective ; drawings finished in colors and by right-line shading ; bridges; right and oblique arches. Free-hand.—Landscapes ; buildings; lettering and ornamental work. Topographical.—Sketching; ink drawings; conventional signs, etc. Mapping.—Railroad and city and county maps. Architectural.—Designing and drawing of engineering structures. NATURAL SCIENCE. Physics.—See school of mechanical engineering. Chemistry.—Inorganic chemistry and qualitative analysis. Geology.—Elements of physiographic, lithological, historical and dynamical geology. ASTRONOMY AND GEODESY. Descriptive Astronomy is given by lectures with a text-book. The equatorial telescope is in constant use during the favorable weather. Practical Astronomy is given by lectures and practical work with the meridian circle, sextant, theodolite, and engineer's transits adapted to astronomical work ; and by astronomical calculations. Geodesy is given by lectures, practice and calculations. ENGINEERING. Poad Engineering.—Location and construction of roads and railroads ; grades; gauges ; tunnels, etc. Resistance of Materials.—Elasticity; safe limits; shearing stress; flexure and strength of beams and columns; practical formulae. Trusses.—Analysis of a variety of roofs and frames, with methods of obtaining the strains. Bridge Construction.—-Warren's, Howe's, and other trusses; tubular and suspension bridges; arches, etc. Stone Work.—Stone; limes and mortars, foundations, etc. PROJECTS. During the spring term of the second year, an accurate topographical survey of a locality is made by the class, and instruction given in the use of the level, preparatory to a project in railroad engineering,