UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1876 [PAGE 144]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1876
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The Foreman has given a portion of his time in preparing for the manufacture of a graduating machine for the Centennial Exposition. An appropriation of at least $200 would be required in addition to the labor which might be given if such a machine was manufactured. Other appropriations for several of the Departments will be required if the University is to be represented at the exposition. The Mechanical and Architectural Departments will require appropriations on account of the educational classes ; $20 a month for each can be used to advantage; this pays for the heating power and material used. Considerable work has been done on the grounds. The roofs and waterspouts of both of the main University buildings have been thoroughly repaired, and all the buildings cleaned and repaired. The heating apparatus has also been put into good condition. The season has been so wet that nothing has been done with the doors and windows of the main building. It is proposed to put outside sash upon several of the north windows before cold weather. These can be made by the University shop. Twelve dozen chairs for the library were purchased at an expense of $84. The large southwest basement room has been assigned to the young ladies as a gymnasium, etc. It has been cleared and cleaned but will need some further preparations, such as a dressingroom, etc. It is proposed to make a small house over the east well if such a course meets with approbation ; also to re-lay a portion of the walk on the west side of the parade grounds. Oak joists for this purpose have been purchased—the labor has been held for the students. In the early part of J u n e the east tower of the main building was struck by lightning, shattering one side of it to quite an extent. This was repaired at an expense of $33 17. At a cost of some $15 for each tower, lightning rods could be applied. By a law passed by the last Legislature the financial report of the University is made September 30 in place of September 1, as formerly. The library has duplicates of books which in some cases couid be sold or exchanged to advantage to the University. Authority for such sale and exchange is asked. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent.

" A."—.Statement of Current Appropriations and Collections.

Appropriations, Board expenses Fuel and lights Stationery and printing Buildings and grounds Incidental expenses. Mechanical Department Architectural '' Horticultural " $250 00 14,390 00 300 00 500 00 1,000 00 300 00 55 49 466 97 253 63 2,039 19 130 00 60 00 400 00 170 00 100 00 50 00 40 00 15 00 100 00 514 11 50 00 321 71 Receipts. Expended. Unexpen'd

$205 53 8 59 1,836 78 1.283 11 802 60 2,847 47 472 78 36 80


Chemical " Military " Librarv and apparatus Sundries—Civil Engineering DepartmentDiDloma Plate... Ladies Gvmnasium Freight on mining apparel Mr. Seal's advertisement Physical Laboratory Unpaid bills Centennial Exposition Special—Agricultural Experiments Fees and room rents Freight Burnett, rent

$255 55 14,705 26 967 65 924 02 905 09 210 70 1,861 86 1,931 63 919 39 4,740 14 553 01 245 85 1,051 74 158 14 23 20 15 00 98 33 514 11 50 00 916 50

$5 56 184 74 462 12 424 02 94 91 97 89 60 41 181 55 136 84 146 52 49 77 198 26 23 86 100 00 26 80 40 00 1 67 594 79 1,677 50 602 65 731 15


1,677 50 602 65 731 15

Statement of Current Appropriations and Collections.

On account of State taxes on lands Buildings and grounds... Ph y sica 1J aboratory Piinting office Veterinary Department.. Appropriated. Receipts. $3,000 1,000 1,000 500 2,000 00 00 00 00 00 Expended. Unexpended. ;,007 00 680 99I 85 45 417 22 911 98 $7 00 819 01 914 55 82 78 1,088 02

August 31, 1875.