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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

85 EEPOET OF FARM SUPERINTENDENT. To the Regent of the Illinois Industrial University: I herewith present a statement of the operations of the Stock Farm, for the year ending March 1, 1873. The crops raised on the farm the past year have been as follows: Corn 70 acres Bye 10 Wheat 9 60 Oats . Potatoes 3 Meadow 120 Pasture 120 Total 392 Occupied by yards, orchard roads and waste ground, 18 acres. Total of farm, 410 acres. There has been a balance of profits on all the operations of the farm, except the 60 acres of oats. These grew excessively large, were "all lodged before time to harvest, and about the time the field was ready for the reaper, the army worm passed through, and saved ns the trouble of harvesting, making a total loss, except as fuel, in the lot, for hogs. Herewith please find a statement of receipts and expenditures for the year. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Stock Farm to Illinois Industrial University, D R . 1873. March 1. To pay for labor and board of hands ' ' purchase of tools and machinery, engine, etc. ' ' purchase of trees for yard '. 4 ' repairs, shoeing, etc ' ' grass seed, wheat and potatoes '4' taking up and setting well ' lumber for various purposes 4 ' purchase of cattle ' ' salary of Head Farmer ' ' coal for engine '4' receipts for bull service ' unenumerated expenses paid 4 ' freight on two cars cattle 4 ' invoice of March 1, 1872 CR. $1, 848 69 776 21 26 12 111 32 54 74 31 00 42 66 1,481 16 720 00 i 22 57 68 00 96 00 50 00 ! 1, 611 34 $6, 939 81 By '' '' '' '' '1' ' '4 ' ' '' *' '4' ' 44 '4 sales of hay sales of oats sales of pasture sales of corn work, care of fine stock, experiments, etc. . . sale of cider and vinegar sale of apples sale of hogs sale of cattle sale of potatoes sale of cow colt bull service (paid to treasurer) sales and receipts unenumerated invoice of March 1, 1873 Balance found $1,146 90 210 00 113 25 210 73 921 56 108 67 102 56 457 50 1, 039 78 31 25 52 00 120 00 68 00 211 67 3,158 00 1,012 06 $7,951 87 $7,951 87 Of the first item of "labor and board of hands," $628 50 was for student labor. During vacation, students were hired, wages being from $20 to $25 per month, board furnished on the farm. Students were also hired Saturdays during the season, and 12J cents per hour paid. The corn was (a considerable share of it) gathered by students working by the job, some making as high as $3 per day by working early and late. The second item is made up as follows :^ Balance for steam engine $355 00 For corn sheller 117 00 4 ' threshing machine 90 00 44 circle saw 10 00
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