Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

84 List of No. Date Warrants—Continued. For what. Seeds Books Bill of committee Seeds Maps Papering Traveling expenses Iron Apple seedlings Eight cars coal.. Paper Petty expense Brooms Expense, Hort. Depart Salary, February i Amount. To whom. 668 Feb. 669 " 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 " 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 March 688 689 " 690 691 692 693 28.. J. S. Kaskeel 28.. W. H . R e a 28.. Doan House 28.. James Vick 28.. Warner Bros 28.. J. E. Thomas •. 28.. J. M. Gregory 28.. Jones & Laughlin.. 28.. W. F. Nelson 28.. Enterprise Coal Co 28.. Nat. Greene 28.. A. P. S.Stuart 28.. Strong Bros 28.. H. K. Vickroy 28.. Prof. E. Snyder.... 28.. C. W.Rolf 28.. R. F. Piper 28.. D. A. Steadman 28.. A. H. Bailey 1.. E. L. Lawrence , $6 2 51 8 15 6 105 44 10 183 8 25 1 31 150 40 50 50 50 50 00 00 45 02 50 00 08 83 90 68 00 00 1.. T. J. Burrill 1.. D. C. Taft 1.. D. C. Taft 4.. Students' labor 6.. 111. Central R. R . . . 6.. 111. Central R. R . . . Peech seeds Pay-roll, Carp. Dept. Watching new building Farm expenses Expenses to lectures Expense for cabinet Expense to lectures Pay-roll Two cars coal and back freight. Freight for 1872-73 80 68 66 38 75 282 58 9 85 4 50 19 30 453 37 100 07 1, 294 71 $124, 999 85 One hundred and twenty-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighty-five cents expended on warrants as above. E. SNYDER, Recording Secretary. UEBANA, March 6, 1873. Abstract of Students1 Pay Bolls for the fiscal year ending March 10, 1873. Carpenter Shop. Mechanical Horticultural Dep't. Shop. $211 177 184 271 191 219 360 285 223 55 62 85 10 14 82 55 52 45 $49 176 125 55 60 50 43 34 31 82 14 21 14 50 86 50 55 41 All other work $162 91 88 129 239 167 108 161 163 93 57 03 13 90 55 07 03 33 , Total. 1872, 1872, 1872, 1872, 1812, 1872, 1872, 1873, 1873, March . . . . April May September October... November December. January . . February . $52 26 40 26 73 118 64 57 35 73 27 68 13 11 93 26 44 18 $477 03 471 60 438 77 481 50 564 65 557 16 576 38 538 54 453 37 $4, 559 00 Totals $494 73 $2,125 60 $627 13 $1, 311 54 E. SNYDER, Bee. Secretary, TJRBANA, I I I . , March 10, 1873. J