Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

83 List of KG. 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 950 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 Warrants—Continued. For what. 5J tons coal Petty expenses Hardware Blossberg coal Pipe fittings Traveling expense Freight on coal Building repairs Engineering instruments.. Lime and Cement AYork on building Salary December, 1872.... Drafting app. bills Castings 2?/£ tons coal Eight cords wood Labor pay-roll Salary, January, 1873 50 Date. Dec. 8.. 8.. 8.. 8.. 8.. 8.. To whom. ' • • Fe j. ' '• ' < S. S.Yest&Co E. A. Robinson Trevett & Green Beach & Condit T. J. Lansden S. W. Robinson 11.. I. C. R. R. Co 11.. E. F. Gehlman 22.. G. Windeman 22.. H. Pedicord 22.. E. F. G-ehlman 22.. C. W.Rolf 25.. F. H. Wines 25.. Bough ton, Tellotson & Co... 29.. I. I. McAllister 31.. Robert H. Miller 31.. H. EL. Yickroy 31.. W. M. Baker 31.. A. P. S. Stewart 31.. S. W. Robinson 31.. J. T. Burrill 31.. S. W. Shattuck 31.. E. Snyder 31.. D. C.'Taft 31.. J. F. Carey 31.. J . B . Webb 31.. C. W. Silver 31.. E. S. Steele.. * 31.. C.W.Rolf 31.. C. E. Patchen 31.. P. Gennadios 31.. H. K. Yickroy 31.. D. A. Steadnian 31.. H. D. Ward 31.. D. A. Steadman 2.. W. F, Barrett 2.. E. L. Lawrence 5.. B. F. Johnson 5.. Samuel Stanton 5.. Students labor 10.. H. K. Yickroy 15.. W. C. Flagg 15.. AY. C. Flagg 15.. J. B. Turner 15.. J. M. Gregory 15.. Editors " S t u d e n t " 17.. B. F. Johnson 17.. H. Jefferson. 17.. E. L. Lawrence 17.. C.K. Gill 20.. I . I . McAllister 25.. E. Cobb 2o.. J. M. Pearson 25.. J. H. Pickrell 25.. M. C. Goltra J. W.Lawrence 28.. J. M. Gregory 28.. A. P. S. Stuart 28.. S. W. Robinson 28.. J. F. Carey '. 28.. T . J . Burrill 28.. S. AY. Shattuck •28.. D. C. Taft 28.. J . B . AVebb. 28.. C. AY Silver 28.. E. S. Steele 28.. P. Gennadios 28.. C. E. Patchen 28.. H. K. Vickroy 28.. D. A. Steadnian 28.. E. Snyder 28.. J. AV. Booker 28.. Boughton, Tillotson & C o . . . 28.. S. M. Marble 28.. B. Westerman 28.. Root Steam Engine Co 28.. Sabine Bro's 28.. Crane Bro's Manuf'ng C o . . . 28.. George Wiswall 21. 07 2 95 14 50 6 42 19 37 132 75 17 83 192 25 107 65 113 02 26 66 10 00 134 54 12 15 32 00 33 90 166 66 166 66 166 66 150 00 1.50 00 150 00 150 00 166- 66 150 00 70 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 30 00 75 00 83 33 98 70 80 202 00 14 94 177 15 16 25 102 54 538 05 14 00 125 35 49 00 25 70 45 50 42 18 35 20 63 5 00 11 60 15 60 23 00 14 00 15 60 24 37 393 74 166 74 166 74 166 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 70 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 75 37* 83 30 56 00 8 90 23 00 It 49 10 00 4 00 22 65 53 00 M g h t watch at new University. Pay of hands in shop Serving notice to bondsmen Farm expense, January Expense to lectures Purchase books, London Pay-roll, January, 1873 Expense to lectures Salary to February 12 Expense to lectures Advertising Expense to lecture.. Coal Expense to lectures. Work in hay press.. Two tons coal Expense to meeting. Salary, February.. Petty expenses, Dec, Jan., Feb. Lettering on building Castings T w o tons coal Books Gaskets Four tons coal Materials Painting