Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

81 List of No. 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 Date. Oct. 31... 31.. " 31.. 31.. 31.. " 3^. Nov. 6>. Warrants—CoBtinued. For what. Seven days' mason work Salary Oct Farm expense, Oct Pay-roll, October Salary to Oct. 30 Stationery, etc Expense to meeting Amount. To whom. " " W. S. Smith H.K. Vickroy E. L. Lawrence D. A. Steadman C. A. Pat-chin E. V. Peterson M.C. G-oltra 6.. J. M. Pearson 6.. S. W. Lawrence 6.. Judge A. M. Brown 6.. E.Cobb. 6.. W. C. Flagg ,€... 6.: W.C. Flagg 9.. H. K. Yickroy J. M. Gregory 9.. 9.. Boot Steam Engine 9.. Students Labor Pay-roll 9.. Enterprise Coal Co 9.. C. D. Webster 9.. Gazette office 9.. T. J. Lansden 9.. J. M. Kennedy 6.. C. S. Moorehouse 6.. Rochester Machine M'f'g Co 6.. Trevitt & Green 6.. W. S. Maxwell 6.. Dodson & Hodges 6.. Trevitt & Green 6.. H. Swannell 6.. Champaign Gas Co 6.. Adams, Blackmer & Lyon... 6.. Fuller & Fuller 6.. Crane & Bros 6.. W. H. Piper 6.. W. S. Shattuck , 6.. E. F. Gehlman 6.. George Ely J. M. Gregory 6.. 14.. A. Snidecker 15.. E. Moore 16.. E. F. Gehlman 18.. J. M. VanOsdel . - -. Salary to Oct. 11 Nov. 12 Expense for Oct., 1872 Sundry expenses Machinery For October, 1872 Three cars coal Eng. Transit Printing Gas fixtures Gate closers Material for decorating hall One cutter-head Sundries, hardware '4 whitewashing building Hardware Glass Gas from March to Oct. 1 Books Glass and frames Machinery Books Superintending repairs of building . . . New University building Blacksmithing Cabinet specimens Castings Lettering new University building . . . New University building Picture of new' University building, and expense to 11 Board meetings Expense to November meeting Surveying and mapping Exp. Farm — Freight on flower pots Work and material on Gard. house Work on new University building Boxes on Reports 1871. '. .*. Salary, November p i 50 75 00 258 37 434 10 40 00 58 95 14 60 19 30 24 00 22 25 8 00 125 Q0 125 00 94 82 34 40 3 75 540 36 54 00 100 00 11 50 19 77 3 00 7 77 18 00 18 88 22 60 14 37 27 18 3 30 63 20 6 38 34 96 54 25 73 24 50 00 10, 433 92 11 00 42 00 58 48 2 50 2, 626 05 181 50 22 50 26 50 100 00 4 00 106 48 1, 466 17 16 75 333 33 166 66 166 66 166 66 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 166 66 150 00 70 00 30 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 83 33 75 00 88 02 339 50 341 09 2 50 333 33 557 16 125 00 111 15 23 63 19 10 17 50 14 65 J. M. Pearson A. M. Brown S. W. Shattuck L B . and W. R. R. Co E. F. Gehlman E. F. Gehlman ' « ' o E. Rummel 30.. J. M. Gregory 30.. W. M. Baker 30.. A. P. S. Stuart 30.. S. W. Robinson 30.. T.J.Burrill 30.. S. W. Shattuck 30.. E. Snvder 30.. D.C.Taft 30.. J. F . Carey 30.. J . B . W e b b 30.. C. W. Silver 30.. P. Gennadios SO.. E. L. Steele 30.. C.W.Rolf 30.. C. E. Patchin 30.. D. A. Steadman 30.. H . K . Vickroy 30.. H. K. Vickroy 30.. D. A. Steadman 30.. E. L. Lawrence Dec. 4.. C. Shephead 4.. J. M. Gregory 4.. Students' Pay Roll 4.. W. C. Flagg.'. 7.. Fuller & Fuller 10.. J. H. Pickrell 10.. A. M. Brown 10.. J. M. Pearson 10.. M.C.Goltra 19.. 19.. SO.. SO.. 21.. 21.. , , , , Expense, November, 1872 Straw Salary, December For November, 1872 Salary to December 11, 1872 Freight duties on apparatus Expenses to five meetings —11