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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

J79 List of Warrants—Continued. No. Date. To whom. For what. Expense Carpenter dep't, July Expense Mechanical dep't, July . . . Farm expense, July Expense Horticultural dep't, July . '' Experimental farm, Work in greenhouse Printing Library purchase Work on new building., Wood and iron Material Pipes, valves and castings Oil. Hardware Tenoning machine. Materials Janitor services, July Hauling four cars coal Books Seven cars coal at $15 Models Mechanical dep't Mathem. instruments Bound reports Work in Mechanical dep't Mining models Whitewashing and cleaning building.. Salary, August Books Cleaning building Salary, August Farm expense Expense to meeting . ' carpenter dep't Castings Seven cars coal Implement repairs Pay roll, Mechanical dep't Castings Hardware Paint, glass and putty Hardware Oil, material Petty expense , Expense Horticultural dep't. Printing , Lumber Implements and seeds Gas fixtures Lumber Brooms Jars Blosberg coal Two band instruments Pay roll hands, A u g u s t . . . Hardware Books Petty expense Material Tape Cast steel Advertising and printing. Advertising . Paint, glass and putty Sand bath Stove castings Stationery , Books New building Superintendent new building. Work in library Moving guard house Amount. $351 17 493 20 305 31 297 08 58 32 50 00 21 40 200 00 5, 400 00 34 80 145 20 112 69 26 38 58 79 249 43 67 35 25 07 22 00 20 00 84 89 105 00 224 27 58 50 32 50 12 60 253 13 162 11 150 00 522 00 60 70 75 00 166 66 125 00 304 73 24 00 24 00 20 80 581 33 691 58 105 00 15 20 486 33 50 69 262 58 10 61 47 31 9 70 32 63 216 62 31 00 9 46 6 68 4 35 26 00 1 50 1 50 2 90 12 50 24 00 141 97 29 74 107 90 82 11 99 66 1 60 28 55 23 00 16 00 8 64 12 60 70 76 5 50 1 40 14 00 34 50 2, 800 00 398 80 35 00 60 00 274 July 31.. D. A. Steadman 31.. S. W. Robinson 275 276 Aug. 1_. E. L. Lawrence 277 1.. H.K. Vickroy 278 1.. W. C. Flagg 279 1.. C. I.Hays 280 1-. Flynn & Scrogg 281 1.. J. M. Gregory 282 1.. E. F. Gehlinan 283 1.. H. H. Holden 284 1 1.. Hall, Kimbark & Co. . 285 1.. N. W. Manf. Co 286 ! 1.. Fuller & Fuller 287 1.. T. B. Brown & Co . . . . 288 ' 1.. J. A. Fay & Co 289 1.- Larrabee & North 290 1.- Post &Goddard 291 1-. W. C. Rolf 292 1-. S. R. Wilber 293 14.. F. W. Christern 294 14.. Enterprise Coal Co ... 295 14.. J. Schroader 296 14.. W. S. Gurley 297 14.. U. S. Pat. Office 298 16.. H. E. Robbins 299 16.. Carl Shuman 24.. S. W. Shattuck 300 31-- E. Snyder 301 31-- W. H. Piper & Co . . . 302 31-- S. W. Shattuck 303 31.- H. K. Yickroy 304 31-- S. W. Robinson 305 31.. H. Hansen 306 307 Sept. 4.. E. L. Lawrence 308 5.. A. M. Brown 309 5.. L. W. Lawrence 310 5.. J. M. Pearson 311 5.. D. A. Steadman 312 6.. C. Hesse & Co 313 7.. Enterprise Coal Co 314 7.. Geo. W. Call 315 7.- S. W. Robinson 316 7.- A. Snidecker 317 7.- Trevett & Green . . . . . 318 7-. H. Swannell 319 7-. Dodson & Hodges 320 7.- Walker Bros 321 7.- S. W. Robinson 322 7.- H. K. Vickroy 323 7.- Nicholet & Schaff 324 7-- M. E. Lapham Co 325 7.- W. H. McAllister 326 7-. A. G. Paro 327 7-- Webster, Davis & Co 328 7-- J.Rigg &Sons 329 7-- J. H. Smith 330 7.. C. Green 331 7-- Beach & Condit 332 7-. J. M. Parsons 333 8-- F. L. Hatch 334 8-- E. Hunt & Sons 335 8-- C. F. Sprague 336 8-- J. M. Gregory 337 Crane Bros 338 Champlin Rogers 339 8.- Hussey, Wills & Co . 340 8-- Journal Printing Co . 341 8-- Advance Co 342 8-- Interior Company . . . 343 8-- Church & Goodman. 344 8-- Fuller & Fuller 345 9 - B.Blum 346 9 - Coltor & Proctor 347 9 - Eastman & Bartlett . 348 9-. M. Miles 349 9 - E. F. Gehlman ,Thos. Waddell 350 12- 351 13.. jChas. W.Rolf 352 13.- C. W.Dorr 00 00
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