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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

76 List of To whom. I March 13.. Hesse & Co 13.. A. P.S. Stuart 13.. 3. Vick 13.. P. Henderson & Co 13.. Graham & Stephenson 13.. Ho vey & Co 13.. Fuller & Fuller 13.. John Fisher 13.. Jas. H. Mills 13.. H. Pedicord 13.. E. V. Peterson 13.. Dodson & Hodges 13.. H. K. Vickroy 13.. T. J. Burrill 13.. Larrabee & iSTorth 13.. Walker Bros 13.. J. W. Bunn 13.. IST. O. Albert 13.. Shaffer & Harwood 13.. Oldham & Webster 13.. D, C. Kennedy 13.. Eeade, Brewster & Co 13.. Chalmers, Spencer & Co 13.. M. Miles 13.. J. Teeple 13.. C. W. Silver 30.. J. M. Gregory 30.. W. M. Baker 30.. A. P . S . Stuart 30.. S. W. Robinson.. 30.. J. T. Carev 30.. 30.. T. JT. Burr'ill 30.. S. W. Shattuck 30.. E. Snyder 30.. J . B . W e b b 30.. D.C. Taft 30.. H. Hansen 30.. Franks 30.. H. K. Yickroy 30.. I). A. Steadman 30.. H. K. Yickroy H. S. Reynolds Aprj 1. E. L. Lawrence 1. A. S. Barnes & Co 1. E.Snyder 4., M. C.'Goltra 4. J. M. Pearson 4., E.Cobb 4. Flynn & Scroggs 4. E. Snyder 4. Robeck & Goebler 4. Dodson & Hodges 4. T. J. Burrill 4. J . W.Dowell 4. Illinois Journal Company... 4. X. W. Manufacturing Co 4. Shaffer & Harwood 4. W. H. McAllister 4. C . J . Tay 4. E., C. &C.Co 4. H. Swannell 23. E. L. Lawrence 23. I . D . Foulon 23. J. M. Gregory 23. J. M. Pearson. 23. E. Cobb 23. M. C. Goltra 23. S. Shick 23. Geo. Ely 23. J. Manz 23. J. E. Hessel 23. J. M. Gregory 23. J. E. Hutchinson 23. Student Company 23. Trevett & Green 23.. Enterprise 23.. M. Adams. Coal Company... 23.. U. S. Patent Office 27.. 30.. J. Teeple 30.. J. M. Gregory W.M.Baker Warrants—Continued. For what. Castings Petty expense chemical department Seeds Carpenter work Seeds Linseed oil and paint Flower pots Pear cions Coal and plaster Stationery Hardware Petty expense horticultural department Tools Material, labor, oil, etc Paid printing Work for February, 1872 Seventeen tons coal One box stove Work in shop Printing envelopes Labor, etc Salary, March, 1872 '' one month March, 1872 Amount. $31 53 25 25 16 50 14 95 26 00 3 40 72 62 7 00 5 00 43 25 32 18 87 69 3 05 1 95 162 25 41 45 5 50 14 51 71 50 9 00 22 30 8'50 40 00 333 34 50 00 40 00 333 33 166 66 166 66 166 66 166 66 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 150 00 125 00 75 00 83 33 83 33 90 04 50 00 581 69 82 56 477 03 14 15 18 80 10 25 76 50 29 10 39 00 42 20 32 23 15 00 4 50 7 68 28 00 5 50 900 1500 4568 1,01000 7500 50000 1950 2055 1450 1775 Expense horticultural dep'mnt Mar., 1873 Service in laboratory Farm expense March, 1872 Shipping charges Students labor March, 1872 Expense to meeting Binding for library Petty expense Chemicals Hardware Plants, etc Copying plans Printing Fittings and materials Coal Felting One car coal Paint, oil, glass Cattle Salary Thirty-six lectures, common law Expense to meeting Periodicals Blacksmithing Engraving Harness repairs Petty expenses Feed cutter One column advertising and 33 copies. Hardware One car coal One and one-half cord wood Binding reports Salary, one month '' April i i ! [ [ 1 ! | 860 5535 3545 3535 1710 7300 23449 1500 675 2000 5000 333 33 166 68
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