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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

70 College of Literature and Science. These Colleges are each subdivided into subordinate departments or schools, as follows : The College of Agriculture embraces the School of Agriculture, proper, and the School of Horticulture. The College of Engineering includes the four Schools of Mechanical, Civil and Mining Engineering and Architecture. The College of Natural Science embraces the School of Chemistry and tbe School of Natural History. The College of Literature and Science embraces the School of Modern Language and Literature, and the School of Ancient Language and Literature. Besides these there are the School of Commercial Science, the School of Military Science and a School of Domestic Economy. The work in the last named of these Schools is but just begun. Each school has its own appropriate course of studies, and in most cases its own apparatus of instruction. ATTENDANCE. The number of students during the year is considerably greater than that shown by any former report. The entire attendance since your last annual meeting thus far is 418. Males, 355, females, 63. The number of counties represented is 80, and it is a gratifying fact that counties heretofore represented have largely increased their representation this year. The numbers who have been engaged in some of the leading studies during the year are as follows: Botany and Veg. Phys 99 Entomology 15 r Horticulture and Fruit Growing 26 Drainage 6 Zoology 83 Geology 21 Anatomy^ and Physiology 74 Chemistry 70 Mineralogy 22 Chemical Physics 55 Agricultural Chemistry 34 Technical Organic Chemistry 8 Laboratory 71 Natural Philosophy and Physics 73 Practical and Theoretical Agriculture 30 Veterinary Science 36 Mathematics ! 264 English Language and Literature 231 German Language and Literature 101 French Language and Literature 50 Ancient Language — 63 Civil Engineering 55 Mechanical Engineering 38 Architecture 12 Draining 132 Book-keeping 83 Military Tactics 34 All able-bodied male students are instructed in the University Battalion. The roll contains 352 names. T H E FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS. The Faculty at present includes the following persons: J. M. Gregory, Regent. Professors W. M. Baker, S. W. Eobinson, S. "W. Shattuck, D. C. Taft, J. B. Webb, A. P. S. Stuart T. J. Burrill, E. Snyder, J. F. Carey. Dr. F. W. Prentice, Veterinary Surgeon. Instructors and Assistants—E. S. Steele, C. W. Silver, 1 T C. Kicker, C. W. Eolfe, E. G. Walker, P . S. Gennadiers, G. R. Shawhan, J. P. Campbell, Hiss L. E. Patchen. There is an urgent demand for some increase of the number of instructors at the earliest day. The health of Prof. Miles did not permit him to give this winter his usual course of Lectures in Agriculture, but the deficiency has been made up to some extent by the valuable lectures of our Corresponding Secretary, Hon. W. C. Flagg, and by the Veterinary Lectures of Dr. F. W. Prentice.
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