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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

61 "special exercises" the time cannot be given. For admission to courses 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10, plane geometry is also required. This statement has been omitted under the corresponding schools. COURSE 0; THE E L E C T I V E COURSE. (Eefer to "Freedom in choice of Studies.) COURSE 1; SCHOOL OF M I L I T A R Y SCIENCE. First Year. 1. School of the company. Bayonet fencing. 2. Battalion and skirmish drill. Bayonet fencing. 3. Brigade and division evolutions. Target practice and theoretical instruction on fire arms. Second Year. 1. Military administration. Keports and returns. Army regulations and military laws. Sword fencing. 2. Mahan's outpost and picket duty. Sword fencing. 3. Art of war. Strategy and grand tactics. Organization of armies. Third Year. 1. Artillery practice. Field artillery. Drill at the cannon. 2. Military engineering. Cavalry tactics, theoretical. 3. Military fortifications. Field and permanent bridges and roads. Military history and statistics. COURSE 12 ; SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. First Year. 1. Book-keeping by single and double entry. Theory of mercantile accounts, and the several principal and auxiliary books. Penmanship. Commercial calculations (English or German), Mathematics, Chemistry t>r History. 2. Partnership accounts. Commission and shipping. Farm books. Business forms and papers. ISTotes, drafts, exchange, endorsements. Bills of lading. Accounts current. Account sales. Inventories, invoices, etc. Comercial correspondence; English or G-erman; Mathematics or chemistry. 3. Banking. Brokerage. Eailroad accounts; Political Economy or Commercial Law ; English, German, or Mathematics. COURSE 2 ; SCHOOL OF A G R I C U L T U R E . First Year. 1. Plane Geometry ; Chemistry; English or Latin ; History, 2. 2. Botany; Chemistry; English or Latin ; History, 2. 3. Botany ; Chemical Laboratory Practice, 10 ; English or Latin. Second Year. 1. Farm Surveying, 10, 7 w. Soils, 7 w; Cryptogamic Botany ; French, or Analytical Chemistry, 10. 2. Chemistry of Soils and Manures. 2"; Farm Mapping, 6 ; Zoology; French, or Analytical Chemistry; 10. 3. Drainage, 6w. Mechanical Treatment of soils, 5w.; Entomology; French, or Analytical Chemistry, 10. Third Year. 1. Orchard Fruits; Anatomy and Physiology; German or History. 2. Animal Husbandry; Geology; German or History. 3. Agricultural Book-keeping; Kural Law and Economy ; German or History. Fourth Year. 1. Dairy Farming and Farm Manufacturers ; Mental Philosophy or Constitutional History; History of English and American Literature. 2. Veterinary Surgery; Physical Geography and Meteorology ; Bural Architecture. 3. Landscape Gardening; G eology of Illinois or Political Economy; History of Philosophy or Logic. COURSE 3 ; SCHOOL OF H O R T I C U L T U R E . First Year. 1. Plane Geometry; Chemistry; English or Latin; History, 2. 2. Botany; Chemistry; English or Latin ; History, 2. 3. Botany ; Chemical Laboratory Practice, 10 ; English or Latin. Second Year. 1. Farm Surveying, 10, 7w. Soils, 7w.; Cryptogamic Botany; French, or Analytical Chemistry, 10. 2. Chemistry of Soils and Manures, 2 ; Farm Mapping, 6; Zoology ; French or Analytical Chemistry, 10. 3. Drainage, 6w. Mechanical Treatment of Soils, 5w.; Entomology; French, or Analytical Chemistry, 10.
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