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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

58 Some students who have the requisite skill, industry and economy, pay their entire expenses by their labor; but, in general, young men cannot count upon doing this at first without a capital to begin with, either of skill, or of money to serve them till a degree of skill is acquired. With this, however, and with a judicious use of time during vacations, many students have been able to meet their entire expenses. STUDENTS' ORGANIZATIONS. University Battalion,—Commander, Professor Edward Snyder; Captains, E. L. Hill, J. J. Davenport, W. Strawn, W. W. Wharry, C. E. Gregory, W. Watts. University Cornet Band.—12 Instruments ; H. E. Eobins, Leader. Literary Societies.—Adelphic—C. I. Hays, Pres.; J. S. Eomine, Sec. Philomathean—P. A. Philips, Pres.; L. F. Warner, Sec. Alethenai.—Ladies—A. Campbell, Pres.; M. E. Stewart, Sec. Gymnastic Club.—W. W. Wharry, Pres.; A. L. Craig, Sec. Agricultural and Horticultural Society.—W. W. Wharry, Pres.; C. O. Scudder, Sec. Musical Societies.—University Choir—L. C. Stanton, Chorister; A. Cheever, Organist. Apollothemesians—C. P . Jeffers, Pres.; C. S. Boyer, Sec. Christian Associations.—Young Men's Christian Association—E. S. Steele, Pres.; C. P. Graham, Eec. Sec; J. S. Eomine, Cor. Sec. Young Women's Christian Association—E. L. Stanton, Pres.; F. Pierce, Eec. Sec; M. F. Miltimore, Cor. Sec. Ample accommodations for these Societies are provided in the New Building. UNIVERSITY UNIFORMS. Under the authority of the act of incorporation, the trustees have prescribed that all male students, after the first term, shall wear the University uniform. The University cap is to be worn from the first. This uniform consists of a set of cadet grey mixed cloth, of the same color and quality as that worn at West Point, and manufactured by the same establishment. Students can procure them ready-made on their arrival here. The University cap is of dark blue cloth, and is ornamented in front with the initials 1.1. U., surrounded by a silver wreath. Students will always wear their uniforms on parade, but in their rooms and at recitations may wear other clothing. PERIODICALS IN THE LIBRARY. Agricultural and Horticultural—American Agriculturist, Annalen der Landwirthschaft, Chemische Ackersmann, Cultivator and Country Gentleman, California Journal, Journal d 7 Agriculture, Michigan Farmer, Massachusetts Ploughman, New England Farmer, Northwestern Farmer, National Live Stock Journal, Prairie Farmer^ Eural New Yorker, Eock Eiver Farmer, Southern Cultivator, Yiehsucht, Western
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