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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

56 MISCELLANY. EXAMINATIONS. Frequent examinations will be held to test progress in study, and to determine each student's fitness to remain in his classes. The University insists on thoroughness in its own proper studies. Begular examinations of all the classes are made at the close of each term. A record is kept of the standing of each student at all his examinations, and from this his final certificate of graduation is made up. CERTIFICATES AND DIPLOMAS. Under the law, any one who remains a year at the University, and maintains a satisfactory standing in his studies and in character, is entitled on leaving the University, to a certificate of studies and standing. The full Diploma of the University will be given to those only who have satisfactorily completed a>four years course in some one of the Colleges. - Each diploma will state the College and course pursued, the actual studies taken, and the number of terms, with standing in each marked on a scale of 100. Hence, each diploma will have just so much value as the student shall have given it by a more or less thorough mastery of his studies. SUPERINTENDENTS' CERTIFICATE. By authority of the State Superintendent of Instruction, to prevent pecuniary loss to those living at a distance not prepared to enter the University, but who might come hoping to pass the Examinations for admission, the following arrangement has been made. County Superintendents of Schools will be furnished with questions and instructions for the examination of candidates, and those who pass creditably, will, when they present the Superintendent's Certificate to that effect, be admitted to the University Classes. They will pay their fees, but their Matriculation Papers will be withheld until they shall have passed the regular examinations of the first term of their attendance. Applicants not personally known to a Superintendent must present to him introductory letters, and satisfy him as to their moral character and social standing. DORMITORIES AND BOARD. There are in the several University buildings about one hundred private rooms, which are rented to the students who first apply. Each
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