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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

48 OTHER SCHOOLS. SCHOOL OF MILITARY SCIENCE. OBJECT AND INSTRUCTION. The aim of this School is not to make professional soldiers, but to teach Military Tactics to all the students of the University, as required by the laws of Congress and the State. To such as desire it, the leading principles of Military Science will also be taught. The instruction in this School will be given in two sub-divisions. Military Tactics.—Practical instruction, for the present confined to the infantry arm, to all able-bodied male students of the University, comprising the following branches : Manual of Arms; Squad and Company Drill ; Bayonet Exercise; Skirmish Drill; Battalion Drill; Guard and Picket Duty; Evolutions of the Brigade $ Target Practice. The exercises are confined to three hours' drill and instruction per week. There is now formed a battalion of six companies, officered by the students of the class in Military Science, for battalion and skirmish drills. Bayonet exercises are also practiced. Military Science.—There is taught a class in Military Science and Art, as far as is necessary for the duties of officers of the line. Students are admitted into this class after having participated at least two terms in the general military exercises, and shown the proficiency and ability necessary to a utilization of the instruction thus received. The members of this class officer the companies, and act as drill sergeants and instructors for the lower classes. The instruction and exercises occupy but five hours each week, arranged so as not to interfere with any courses of study, making it possible for the members of other Schools to engage in it as an optional study. The course of study will be found on page 61. I t will be confined to two years7 instruction until further facilities and teaching force can be obtained. ~* APPARATUS. The Drill Hall* is 124 by 75 feet. 350 rifle muskets are ranged around it in racks, W. There are also cavalry swords, fencing swords and muskets, an armory with a growing collection of arms, and models of arms and projectiles for practical instruction. The platform is large enough to accommodate over 250 visitors, and the galleries, L M, will *The cut illustrating the Drill Hall was not furnished the printer.
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