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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

42 SCHOOL OF ABCHITECTUKE. OBJECT AND INSTRUCTION. This school is designed for those who desire to fit themselves for the profession of architect and builder. The specialties of the course are taught upon the same general plan as in the European art schools, by a gentleman of much practical experience, who is now studying in Berlin, but is expected to return this year. The history of architecture is taught by lectures during the second and third years, and it is arranged to give carpenters, builders and masons, not able to take a full architectural course, the opportunity of getting the whole history of architecture in one year, besides instruction in architectural drawing. The principles of the different styles of architecture are taught partly by lectures, but chiefly by drawing exercises. STUDIES AND EXERCISES. The course will be found tabulated on page 61. To some extent it agrees with that of the School of Civil Engineering in the technical studies. The following are those in which it differs : DRAWING.—Free-hand D.—Landscapes ; Ornamentation ; the Human Figure in pencil and crayon ; Drawings from Casts and Models. Perspective D.—Drawing of Perspective from orthographic projections, and from objects ; Finished Drawings and Designs with the pen, and in colors. Architectural D.—Elements of t h e Greek, Roman and Gothic styles: Drawing of Buildings in the principal styles, with plans, elevations, sections and details; Exercises in Original Design, embracing problems in architecture, with details and ornamentation; Working Drawings for Stone Cutters, Masons and Carpenters. ARCHITECTURE.—History of A.—General and Detailed History of the Ancient, Renaissance and Modern Styles of Architecture. Designing.—Lectures and Exercises on original designing; Heating and Ventilation. Specifications, etc.—Estimates; Builders' Contracts and Specifications; Liabilities and Rights of Builders. Two Vacation Journals, and two Memoirs upon'Architectural Subjects will be expected of each student, as in other Engineering Schools. APPARATUS. This school has a fine set of one hundred and fifty plaster casts, embracing copies from the antique, statuary, capitals and architectural ornaments, from the celebrated establishment of Christian Lehr, of Berlin, which are used as drawing models. It has also a numerous and costly collection of German and French plates as "studies'7 in all departments of architectural and landscape drawing and coloring. It is provided with a large number of the best books on architecture, and with the best American, English, French and German periodicals devoted to the subject. It has also for its "shop practice" the use of the carpenter shop, with its machinery and tools. For a description see "Mechanical Laboratory," page 37. See also "Periodicals."
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