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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

38 in the principles of theoretical and applied chemistry, of chemical and blow-pipe analysis, of assaying and metallurgy, and of the engineering operations of mining. STUDIES AND APPARATUS. The course of studies will be found on page 61. For two years it agrees nearly with that for Civil Engineering, after which the following specialties are introduced: Analysis—Qualitative and Quantitative, Chemical and Blow-pipe. Assaying and Metallurgy—Lectures on the processes in use in this and other countries; Laboratory Practice with the ores of various metal. Geology—Mining Districts ; Theory of mineral veins and seams 5 Deposits of gold, silver, copper, iron and other metals, and of coal, peat, petroleum, salt, cements, etc. Drawing—Sections of strata 5 Galleries, winzes, workings and machinery of mines; Shafts lined with stone, wood, and metal tubing. Engineering—Determination of the dip and position of veins and seams, by trenches and borings 5 Boring and drilling tools $ Blasting with powder and nitroglycerine ; Use of compressed air in subterranean workings; Methods of exploitation or of working out mineral deposits of all kinds; Sinking of shafts and winzes; Bunning of levels and adits. Journals of travel, projects and theses upon mining topics, will be required of those who complete the course, similar to those in the other Schools of this College. Models, apparatus and plates are used in the lectures, for illustrating to the eye the principles and methods taught. Engineering instruments are used for ideal mine surveys, and results calculated from observed data. The Cabinet already contains a quantity of mining models, and about $2,000 worth in addition are arriving from Europe. SCHOOL OF CIVIL E^GINEEBINGL OBJECT OF THE SCHOOL. The school is designed to furnish a course of theoretical instruction, accompanied and illustrated by a large amount of practice, which will enable students to enter intelligently upon the various and important duties of the engineer. Those who desire a preparation, at once broad and thorough, and who are willing to make persevering effort to obtain it, are cordially invited to connect themselves with this School.
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