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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

34 price lists of manufacturing firms are desired. Contributions will be labeled with the donors' names and placed in the cabinets of the College for the inspection of students, and the illustration of lectures. THESIS. In all the Schools of this College a Thesis is required of those who - graduate. It must be an original composition of suitable length, upon a subject appropriate to the School, and approved by the Professor in charge. The student must be prepared to read, explain and defend it before his class. It must be illustrated with such photographs, drawings and sketches as may be needed, and embellished with a title page neatly designed and printed with India ink, or colors. It must be upon Begulation Paper and securely bound. It will be prepared during the latter part of the fourth year and presented at the close of the course, after which it will be deposited in the Library of the College. SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL EKGIKEEEIKG. OBJECT OF THE SCHOOL. This school is intended to prepare students for the profession of Mechanical Engineering. It is designed to supply a class of men long needed, not simply practical nor wholly theoretical, who, guided by correct principles, shall be fully competent to invent, design, construct or manage machinery, in the various industrial pursuits. The instruction, while severely scientific, is thoroughly practical, aiming at a clear understanding and mastery of all mechanical principles and devices. Practice in the Mechanical Laboratory is combined with the theoretical training, and is counted as one of the studies of the course. INSTRUCTION. Instruction in this school is given in both Principles and Practice. In Principles the knowledge is imparted by lectures, combined with the use of plates and illustrative models, and recitations are made from text-books. Numerous examples are also given, showing the application of the theories and principles taught. Experiments in the testing of machines and motors are undertaken by the student. In Practice the instruction consists mainly in the execution of Projects, in which the student is required to construct machines, or parts thereof, of his own designing, and from his own working drawings.
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