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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

28 mer vacation, the library, cabinets, etc., will be moved to their new and spacious quarters, the chapel, lecture and numerous class rooms, offices, and society rooms will be furnished, the heating and lighting arrangements completed, and the whole building and its surroundings put in order for occupation by the September classes. For some time past the insufficient accommodations for the numerous lectures and classes constantly going on in the different departments of the University, have been the cause of great inconvenience to professor and student, and much detriment to the subjects taught. The completion and occupation of the new accommodations will therefore be a great relief, and perhaps no appropriation will be of more real economy to the State than that just made, or of more direct importance and value to all the counties, few of which have not students in the University. COLLEGE OF AGKICULTUEE. FACULTY. The B E G E N T , Professor B U R R I L L , Professor SHATTUCIC, P R E N T I C E , Professor M I L E S , Professor STUART, Professor TAFT, intendent FLAGG. SCHOOLS. Doctor Super- School of Agriculture; School of Horticulture. CONTRIBUTIONS. Many manufacturers have favored us with donations of implements, and it is hoped this will continue until the large room devoted to the tools shall become a rich museum of all that is most important. Appeal is made to friends everywhere for assistance in furnishing the fruit and tree plantations with the fullest possible stock, in the building and furnishing of the green-houses and conservatories, and in the enlargement of the scientific collections in the arboretum and botanical garden. The plants now in the houses and upon the grounds have been catalogued, and will be forwarded to parties wishing to exchange or contribute. I t requires a vast amount of money, time and skilled labor to make a large collection of useful agricultural and horticultural plants, yet the importance of such a collection at the University is recognized by all who are interested in these pursuits. New varieties of grain, vegetables, root crops, seeds, and live plants may easily be sent, and will always be thankfully received.
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