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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

24 scientific and classical—all that belongs to sound and thorough scholarship. Its practical aims will be best understood by a survey of the following departments of instruction, for which it offers the best facilities : Scientific Agriculture.—Soil culture of all varieties, and for all crops, Animal Husbandry, Stock-breeding, Feeding, Yeterinary Science, Agricultural Chemistry, Rural Engineering and Drainage. Horticulture.—Market Gardening, Fruit Growing, Management of Kurseries, Forests, Green Houses, Propagating Houses and Ornamental Grounds. Mechanical Engineering.—Theory and Practice in Construction of Machinery, Pattern Making, and Working in iron and brass. Study of the Motors, Strength of Materials, and Mechanical Drawing. Civil Engineering.—Land and Government Surveys, Railroads, Canals, Bridge Building, Topographical Surveys and Leveling. Mining Engineering.—Mine Surveys, Sinking and Tubing of Shafts, Driving of Adits and Methods of Working, Assaying, Treatment of Ores, and Metallurgy. English Language and Literature.—A thorough and extended course in higher Grammar, Rhetoric, Criticism and Essay Writing, to fit students for editorial or other literary work, or teaching. Analytical Chemistry.—Chemistry applied to the A r t s ; Laboratory Practice with Re-agents, Blow-pipe and Spectroscope. A full course to fit students to become Chemists, Druggists and Pharmaceutists. Architecture.—Architectural Drawing, Styles of Building, Plans, Materials, Estimates, Ornamentation. Military Tactics.—Manual of Arms, Squad, Company and Battalion Drill, Brigade and Division Evolutions, Bayonet and Sword Fencing, Military Arms, Roads and Fortifications. History and Social Science.—General and Special History, Political Economy, Rural and Constitutional Law. l Mental and Moral Philosophy and Logic. Modern and Ancient Languages.—French, German, Latin, etc. Commercial Science.—-Book-keeping, Commercial Law, etc. Mathematical Science.—Pure and Applied, Physics, Astronomy. Natural History.—Botany, Zoology, Geology, Physical Geography. Drawing.—Mathematical and Free-hand. FREEDOM IN CHOICE OF STUDIES. The University being designed not for children, but for young men and women, who may claim to know something of their own wants, powers and tastes, entire freedom in choice of studies is allowed to each student, subject only to such necessary conditions as the progress of the classes or the convenience in teaching requires. It is not thought useful
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