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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

21 signed to afford a model for a farmer's house. It is tasteful in appearance, economical in cost, and compact and convenient in arrangement and detail. (See map H). A cellar under the whole, walled with hard brick and having a cement floor, affords a laundry, a large cistern, and an ample cellar in two compartments, one for dairy uses, and the other foi vegetables. The front door is sheltered by a pleasant verandah and the front hall or entry affords direct admission to office, parlor and kitchen. The office, a small room, which the intelligent farmer will find abundantly useful for his business affairs, will also serve as a library and First Floor of Farm iiouse. •nr CHAMBER JS>X 10? CN/IMBERi 4'//''XJ/'9" CHAMBER a'u'lxu'al' CHAMBER /a'alxjO'S'' rfcn GHAMffE/f reading room on wet days, and the evenings. The parlor is a commodious apartment, which is rendered doubly pleasant by the bay window. The kitchen is also of good size, as many farmers' families make this the "living room," as they call it, where the cooking and eating are both done, and the family work goes on. A lean-to, serving as a summer kitchen and well-room, has been added since the building was first erected. The second floor has a goodly num- Second Floor. ber of sleeping rooms, all but two supplied with closets. The barn recently erected on the Stock Farm of the Industrial University has north and west front of eighty feet each. Each limb, or ell, is 40 feet wide. It is of the k i n d known as a sidehill barn. In the basement E is the root-cellar. 0 a cookr o o m , furnished with a s t e a m Stock Farm Barn.
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