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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. Hay Presses Heating Apparatus Hemp Hills and Drills Hops Horticulture, department of Eeport School of. Apparatus Instruction.. House, gardener's..J, Illinois in census of 1870 Instruction Labor Laboratory, Physical Chemical..' Lands.Latin Laws, concerning University Library Literature and Science, college of Logic Lumber Drying 174 99,141,143 Receipts and Expenses 70 148,151,153,155 Regent, Annual Report Leave of absence 106 182 Resolution concerning 107 120 Pro tern 145 185 Reports 147,151,155,166 51,149 89 Residences of students 15 30,61 Root Crops 186 31 Experiments with 120 31 Rural Communities, social wants of. 191 140 Rye, cost and value of crops 86 205 7, 70,137 57, 92, 99 160 152,161 73,136 53 170 72 45 54 143 Salaries 169 Secretary, Corresponding, duties 168 Report 114 Recording, duties of 168 Report 75 Sexes, recapitulation of students by 15 Small Fruits 92 Social wants of Rural Communities 192 Soils of State 147,149,151 Steam Heating 145 Stedman, D. A f. 141,146,147 Stock Farm, receipts and expenditures 85 Students, female 13 Four years 66 Madder 183 List of 9 Mathematics, Pure 54 Organizations 58 Mechanical Department 72, 98,144,152,156 Pay-rolls 84 Laboratory 99 Studies 15,70 Medicinal Plants 189 Choice of 24 Meeting, Seventh Annual 67 Courses of 60 Military Department. 74,147,149 Pursued 70 Science, school of 48, 61 Superintendent, Farm, report 85 Music 55 Thermometer Graduating Machine 143 Natural History, department of. 52 Tomato, experiments 96 School of. 44, 63 Tobacco : 181 Science, school of 43 Treasurer, duties of. 168 Reports of 104,158 Nursery 92 Nuts 189 Trusteees, Board of. 3,69 New 5,154 Officers 7 Election of. 105 Uniforms 58,105 Ornithological Specimens 112 University, aims of 23 Buildings 18 Pear Orchard 92 History. I7 Periodicals 58,141 Library 23 Philosophy 54 Locati on lg Physical Laboratory 160 Property and funds 21,17 4 Physics, Pure 54 Planing Mills, Kankakee 140 Veterinary 105,144,146,158,167 Plowing, deep and shallow 124 75 Poppy 188 Warrants drawn Potatoes, cost and value of crop 87 Watchman, services of 141 Experiments with 126 Wheat, experiments 120 Spring, cost and value of crop 87 President of new Board 155 Purchases, rules for 137 Women, schools for 74
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