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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

165 Amount brought forward Physical laboratory Draughting rooms Cabinet cases Amount of appropriation $5, 866 3, 000 950 1,000 28 00 00 00 $10, 816 28 11, 550 00 Balance $733 72 This balance will be needed in setting up settees, making carpets, curtains, etc., for blackboard platforms, some additional furniture, etc. Respectfully submitted. S. W. SHATTUCK, for Com. The report was received and ordered placed on file. The following report was further made by him as Superintendent of the building: Gentleman of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial "University: I have the honor to make the following report as Superintendent of operations at the new University building: The general work for the completion of the building has gone forward with reasonable dispatch, though some delay was caused by the flooring being short by some 16, 000 feet. Mr. Gehlman interprets the contract that the University is called upon to furnish this, also the required hardware. I cannot understand it thus. Tour attention is asked to the matter. In this connection-1 may also say that 50 pieces more of perforated base, 4 feet by 6 inches, are required. Many of the blackboards made last year are not in good condition. T$o more of them have been put on, but the places have been finished like the rest of the wall. Some square yards of slating will be required for these spaces, which will cost I suppose about . Some 18 desk platforms will be required for the recitation rooms; The University bell has been mounted m its proper position. Because of the general settling of the building some three inches in depth of earth had to bo taken from the basement floor. The general grading and laying out of the grounds have gone on, though not so fast as desirable. The large amount of labor called for in the building and its immediate vicinity is the reason for this. Upon consultation with Mr. Gardner, a system of sewers and drains for the building was adopted. The proper material was procured, and the most difficult part of the work performed, but it will require some six days more of good weather to complete it. A further appropriation of $50 is required for this purpose. I t is noticed that four of the down spouts of the building do not take the water fast enough, the gutters overflowing. All of the proper material belonging to the University is being used to form the drives and walks on the grounds, but it will be necessary to have in addition at least 100 cubic yards of stone and 200 yards of gravel to do what is necessary at this time. Gravel can be had for 25 cents per yard, at the bank, and a team will haul 6 yards a day. Stone, I suppose, can best be had from Kankakee. Attention is called to the fence in front of the University building. I t and the proposed walk will be some 50 feet distant from each other. About 230 feet of inch service pipe for water closets is required. This can best be put in in connection with the heating pipes. S. W. SHATTUCK. The report was received. The perforated base was ordered to be purchased. An additional appropriation of $50 for the sewer was made, and $75 were appropriated for purchase of gravel for finishing of walk. Twenty-live dollars were appropriated for cartage of stone. Mr. Gardner reported that he had purchased the necessary lumber for constructing the sidewalk. The report was accepted, and Mr. Gardner authorized to have the work completed, and the fence removed to its proper position.
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