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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

161 1st. That the Chemical Laboratory remain where it is until a new building shall be erected especially for the Chemical Department. The reasons therefor can be given in full, if desired. 2d. That the Professor in charge be authorized to appoint his assistants, and to discharge the same when found to be inefficient. Experience has taught the advisability of this measure. Of course it is understood that the amount appropriated by the Board for assistants is in no case to be exceeded. 3d. That the Professor in charge be authorized to issue orders as formerly for the ordinary supplies of the Department, said supplies to be paid for out of the proceeds of the Laboratory. The undersigned claims that if the Department is made self-sustaining, as it has been thus far, it is justly entitled to all its proceeds, and that these proceeds should bo available whenever needed. When, therefore, these proceeds pass into the hands of the Treasurer, the undersigned asks that the Chemical Department be credited with them, and that he be authorized to draw on such fund, through the proper officials, whenever the eeds of the Laboratory shall require. I t is simply the old system of orders that is asked. I t worked so well in the Chemical Department that its disuse has always been a source of regret. In preferring the above requests, particularly the last two, the undersigned begs leave to say that they are nothing more than what is accorded to men in similar positions in other institutions. At Cambridge, or at Ann Arbor, as also in the German Universities, these privileges are accorded to the heads of departments. Hoping this may not seem unreasonable to you, the undersigned begs leave to submit the same to your consideration. Very respectfully, A. P. S. STEWART. On motion of Mr. Sabin, it was resolved that the Chemical Department remain in the old University building until farther ordered. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Blackburn, was passed: Resolved, That the Professor of Chemistry be authorized to appoint his assistants, subject to the approval of the Faculty. On motion of Mr. Gardner, the Professor of Chemistry was authorized to issue orders as formerly for the supplies, to be paid for out of the proceeds of the Laboratory. On motion of Mr. Blackburn, an appropriation of $30 was made for a fruit drier for the Horticultural Department. On motion, the repairs of the green house were referred to the Eegent and Mr. Gardner, with power to act. On motion of Mr. Blackburn, it was resolved that the Governor be requested to issue commissions in the Illinois State militia to Capt. E. Snyder as Colonel, and to Edgar L. Hill, of Watson, and Franklin C. Piatt, of Warren, graduates of this year, as Captains. On motion of Mi\ Sabin, it was resolved that the following communication from Prof. Snyder, in relation to arms, be approved, and the Governor requested to furnish such arms : PROP. S. W. SHATTUCK. Regent pro. tern.: DEAR SIR : I herewith submit to you the following requisition for arms, etc., stating that the articles asked for are very much needed for the efficiency and advancement of instruction in the Military Department: 100 breech-loading rifle muskets and accoutrements; 4,000 rounds of ammunition for target practice; 50 noncommissioned officers' swords and belts; 2 light steel cannon, complete, for artillery practice, with a supply of ammunition. Very respectfully, E. SNYDEK, Captain in charge. Mr. Lawrence's communication in reference to feeding experiments was deferred. Assessment for sidewalk on Green street, and road or walk from Springfield road to Green street, referred to Regent and Mr. Gardner, with instruction to report at next meeting on cost and kind of sidewalk. —21
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