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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

160 Mr. D. Gardner and the Eegent were appointed a committee to have the roof of the Drill Hall repaired and painted, and a sum not to exceed $150 was appropriated for the purpose. The Eegent, Messrs. Sabin and Gardner were appointed to make the purchases under and within the limits of the State appropriation for furniture and fixtures. The following communication from Prof. Eobinson was read: To the Regent and Executive Committee : GENTLEMEN : In compliance with a request of the Regent, Dr. Gregory, I have written to Professors in charge of Physical Laboratories, and obtained their replies, which I submit with this communication. These laboratories are the leading ones in the country. The advice obtained is that we procure our apparatus from certain celebrated manufacturera in Europe and this country, and construct many of the simpler models at our Mechanical Laboratory. They also advise that some one visit their laboratories, to profit by their experience. Please allow me to submit to you the question of our undertaking such manufacture this coming vacation, which may undoubtedly be done, especially after a visit to one or more of the laboratories. I also accompany this by two new elementary treatises on Physical Laboratory Practice, that you may see that some of the apparatus is very simple, and could undoubtedly be made by us. I recommend the following apparatus for purchase: A good Microscope, with Polarescope attachment; a Spectroscope, of Browning, of London; an Optical Circle, (see Jannin's Physique, Vol. I l l , PL 3, pp. 677 and 680 ;) a Cathetometer and Photometer; Apparatus on Heat, for illustrating Regnant's Experiments on Heat, of Salleson, of Paris; a Galvenometer and set of Resistance Coils, of Elliott Bros., London; a Thermomultipher and Ruhmkorff's Coil; a DuBose'a Lantern, of Hawkins & Wells, of Hoboken, N". J. I cannot too strongly call attention to the advice of the letters, that we make as mueh of the apparatus ourselves in our Mechanical Laboratory aa we oan. I have not yet had opportunity to learn the prices of the instruments named above. * Letters from Professors Heinrichs, Mayo and Pickering. Yours, truly, S. W. ROBINSON. The following resolution, offered by Judge Brown, was passed : Resolved, That the Regent, now in Europe, be and is hereby authorized to purchase, to an extent not exceeding $1,000, such apparatus for the Physical Laboratory of the University as he may deem essential, and as can be had there at advantageous prices, and that the sum of $1,000 be placed to his credit in the bank of D. Gardner & Co. for this purpose. On motion, the Board dispensed with the services of Mr. J. Mann as Superintendent of Building. The following resolutions were offered and passed: Resolved, That Prof. Shattuck be appointed Superintendent of the work on the new building and grounds, and he is authorized and required to have drains laid for carrying off the rain water from the house, and sewerage from the privies; and he shall also have charge of the grading and road-making on said grounds, and for every day employed in this work he shall receive a compensation of five dollars per day. Resolved, That the sum of $500 be appropriated for the labor and material necessary for constructing the drains referred to in the foregoing resolution. Resolved, That Mr. Gardner be appointed a sub-committee of the Board to advise with Prof. Shattuck in.the manner of constructing the drains and performing the work aforesaid. The President and the Eegent were authorized to engage a Professor of Agriculture. The following communication from Prof. Stewart, of the Chemical Department, was read : To the Executive Committee of the University : • DEAR SIRS : The undersigned respectfully asks your honorable body to consider the following requests, and, if consistent with your judgment, to grant the same : .
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