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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

159 The bills presented for payment were audited. The following communication from Mr. Yan Osdel was read, but action deferred: To the Son. the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : GENTLEMEN : The State Board of Trustees audited my bill for services as Architect and General Superintendent on the Drill Hall and University Building,, and asked the Legislature to appropriate funds for the payment of the same, which, by reference to the law, you will notice that the sum of $15,000 was appropriated to pay the Architect and finish the building. I have therefore to request that an order for $2000 of the amount appropriated be given me. Very respectfully, , J. M. YAN OSDEL. Mr. D. Gardner was appointed a committee to report to the next meeting on the condition and valuation of a division fence between University land and that of W. Burnett. The President, calling Gov. Beveridge to the chair, asked the Board to consider section six of the act of the legislature passed April 15th, regulating and revising courses of study. Hon. J. P. Reynolds offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved,, That a compliance with the spirit of the law of Congress, which provides for the establishment of Agricultural Colleges in the several States, requires that this Institution be devoted, as a leading object, to imparting such instruction to its pupils as shall be necessary to the intelligent practice of agriculture and the mechanic arts, and instruction in other branches of learning, whether enjoined or only permitted by the aforesaid law, is to be regarded as merely secondary. Resolved, That in establishing a curriculum, in selecting the corps of teachers, and in the general policy as adopted, this Board of Trustees will adhere to the views expressed in the foregoing resolution. A committee of'four was appointed, composed of Messrs. Reynolds, Brown, Slade, and the Corresponding Secretary, to report to next meeting of this Board a curriculum in full keeping with the resolutions adopted. On motion the President was asked to report to this meeting as early as possible the state of the finances, and also a full report of the salaries of Professors, and the possibilities of employing new members of the faculty. An order was passed to allow to Mr. J. M. Yan Osdel, Architect^ the sum of $1,500. Adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock, July 11, 1873. JULY 11, 1873. The Board assembled as per adjournment. The oath of office was administered to Alexander Blackburn by Judge J. H. Hesse, and subscribed to by him. The Regent's report was taken ijp. Mr. F. A. Parsons was continued as assistant in the office.
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