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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

158 This appointment, and that of a Professor of English Language and Literature, call for your immediate action. I well understand that it will not be easy to fill either of the positions with the right man. A common man will not do for them. I also recommend the appointment of Dr. F.W. Prentice as Resident Lecturer in Veterinary Science, at a salary of $1000 per annum. The Commercial Department will require an instructor or assistant, as Prof. Snyder, who has had charge of it for some years, was relieved on account of the amount of work required from him in the Departments of Modern Language and Military Science. The above are, I believe, all of the additional appointments necessary to be made at the present time, though other positions could be filled with advantage to the University, did its funds allow. . The salary of the Corresponding Secretary has not been fixed for the year commencing March 1st, 1873. In a recent communication, he requests that it be determined. I t would seem that the position is an important one, in the plan of the University, and could demand even more attention than it has received in the past. Your attention is called to several communications from the professors to the Ex. Committee, but which were laid over for your action. In connection with one from Prof. Robinson, in regard to the Physical Laboratory, I submit one from Dr. Gregory to the Professor. This matter is an important one to the University, and will, I trust, receive prompt attention; $3000 were appropriated by the State Legislature at its last session, for that purpose. Favorable attention is asked for communications from Professors Burrill and Snyder, and Mr. Lawrence, the head farmer. A notice of an assessment for a sidewalk on the south side of Green street is submitted. Tour attention is also called to the condition of the walk, and want of a road from Springfield road to Green street, on the west side of the University grounds. Proper xarovision for the water eoming from the roof of the New University Building, and for the sewerage of the building, has never been made. I t s importance I need not state. Mr. Leal, the School Superintendent of Champaign county, asks permission to hold a teachers' institute in the University chapel, from the 4th to the 23d of August next. Though the granting of it will necessarily cause us considerable inconvenience, I recommend that it be given, if consistent with your arrangements for this building. S. W. SHATTUCK, Regent pro. tern. The report of the architect, Mr. Yan Osdel, on satisfactory progress of the work on the new building, wras received, and from the amount of the estimated work, per $3,184, the amount of $2,547 was ordered to be paid, retaining 20 per cent., as per contract. 1873, July 10. Carpenter work 44 JSTails for such work Plastering Painting Stairs Sash weights, $290; Teaming, $25 Hard lumber Less 20 per cent, retained per contract $1, 089 52 49 75 800 00 350 00 400 00 315 00 180 00 $3,184 27 • 636 85 $2, 547 42 The Treasurer read his report, which was received, as follows : Mar. 1, '73 By balance 4 '44 amount received on account of Mechanical Department 4l " " Horticultural Department 44 4 " ' " Chemical Department for collections and interest 44 " " " Carpentry Department 4 " " " ' farm sales 44 4 4 ' ' '4 fees fuel 4 44 '' '' ' Illinois Central II. B,. freights 4l ,( " land and interest 44 '' '' '' notes for rent 44 44 " " last year's account 11 " '' '4 interest on bonds To warrants paid . Balance. URBANA, July 10, 1873. $5, 667 87 819 62 718 60 1, 447 68 223 94 1,660 27 1, 869 00 164 47 367 14 757 00 310 00 276 68 21, 055 00 $35, 337 27 26, 857 34 8,479 93 JOHN W. BUNN, Treasurer,
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