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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

156 AFTBRNQON BBS8I0N. Committee re-assembled at 2 o'clook P. M. The proposals and bids of Messrs. Davis & Co. and the Bennett Hot Air Furnace Co., and also the excellence in shell and pipe boilers, were at length considered and discussed. The committee finally acoepted the proposition of the Bennett Co., of Cineinnati, provided inquiries and correspondence with parties using their system show it to be what it is represented, and further provided that 20 per cent, of the payment for work and material furnished be withheld until March 1, 1874 ; also a good accepted bond unto $10,000 be given, which is not to be discharged until March 1, 1874. I t was resolved that under the conditions above mentioned the Regent and architect be and are hereby authorized to contract and close with the Bennett Hot Air Furnace Manufacturing Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, for the furnishing of a heating apparatus to the new building at Urbana, HI., in full accordance with the proposal and specifications received from said firm, the work to be finished within ninety days, from June 14,1873. Under the above instructions, correspondence was had with seven different leading-parties who were using the low pressure system of heating. The result being in the main quite favorable, I met the agent of the Bennett Hot Air Furnace Co., at the architect's office, on the 25th of June, when a contract with the company was made under the required condition—bond for $10,000, and 20 per cent, retained on all estimates. The Committee on the Mechanical Department made the following arrangement with Prof. Robinson fer continuing work in the shop during the vacation. Mr. Jno. Mann has been engaged as superintendent of the carpenter shop and the new University building, at $3 per day, until the time of the present meeting. Mr. F. A. Parsons has been employed as clerk in the Regent's and Recording Secretary's office, at $50 per month, time limited as above. About $200 of the $500 appropriated for work on ornamental grounds of the new building has been spent; $20 of this is for gravel drawn to the grounds last winter, and some $38 should be charged to the new building, as it was for drains conducting the water from the down spouts on the north side of the building, and a connection made on the west side. The most needed repairs upon the drill hall roof have been made, but more complete ones should be made, involving an expense, I am told, of $100 to $175. The specimens of soils of the State have been removed to the University from Springfield, with as little expense as possible. The required semi-annual financial report was made to the Governor of the State June 19. The Committee on furnishing the new building, offer the following report: I t seems very desirable that immediate action be taken to provide for furnishing the chapel, and the cases of the library and cabinet. If it was a private matter, I would not hesitate to make a contract with Walker Bros, for the library cases and railing, at $2000, knowing the completeness of the work proposed. Repairs and additions to the copper spouting of the new building, involving a small expense, have been made—further ones are required. The Recording Secretary reports the assets of the University, as given in detail in the inventory books, to be as follows : Assets of the Illinois Industrial University, taken June 30, 1873. $232,300 00 51, 366 00 34,965 00 7,081 70 3, 600 90 16,862 00 6,007 40 2,312 50 3, 074 00 1,071 00 885 25, 1,637 33 317 00 367 00 4,134 75 Building and grounds Stock farm, per inventory Horticultural and experimental farm Inventory of mechanical shops * '' carpenter shops '' library , '' chemical laboratory '* furniture 1 ' cabinets of natural history '' mechanical models '' physical laboratory '' civil engineering and astronomical instruments. '' military department and gymnasium '' drawing copies, models Green house plants and tools Bonds bearing interest, cost Notes on hand 25,302 acres land in Minn, and "Neb., at $4. 160 acres of Griggs' farm, at $40 Total. $365, 981 83 319, 315 14 8, 479 93 101, 208 00 6, 400 00 $805, 384 90
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