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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

155 A. M. BROWN. J . P. SLADB J . J. BYRD D. G-ARDNER J . H. PICKRELL ALEXANDER BLACKBURN EMORY COBB D. D. SABIN K. B. MASON Villa, Ridge Belleville Cairo Champaign Harristown Maoonib Kankakee Belvidere Chicago 2 years. 4 6 2 6 4 2 6 4 On motion, the Board proceeded to elect their President. Judge A. M. Brown nominated Mr. Emory Cobb? who was elected. On taking the chair, Mr. Cobb, in a few very appropriate words, expressed his appreciation of the confidence shown him by the Board, in conferring this honor upon him, assuring them of his determination to faithfully discharge the duties of his office, and asking the hearty support and earnest co-operation of the members. On motion of Gov. Beveridge, a committee was appointed to revise the by-laws, and report to the next adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed Messrs. Slade, Brown and Pickrell. The Begent's report was then read by him and received. On motion, it was made the special order for to-morrow. REGENT'S REPORT. Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : I have the honor to make the following report of my official acts since the last meeting of the Executive Committee, of the present condition of the University and its wants, to some extent. Under a resolution of the Executive Committee, a contract with Samuel H. Gehlman was made June 7th, for the finishing of the new building for $13,150 (thirteen thousand one hundred and fifty dollars), he furnishing a good bond for $5,000 (five thousand dollars), and 20 per cent, of each estimate being retained by the terms of the contract until the entire completion of the building. The following advertisement was issued, as directed by the committee: •'To CONTRACTORS.—The Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University will receive proposals for heating apparatus complete, to heat, perfectly, the whole of the new University building in the coldest winter weather. The Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids or plans, or parts thereof, if they shall deem it necessary for the interest of the State. "All proposals must be directed to 'Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University,' and indorsed 'Illinois Industrial University Proposals.' They will be delivered at the Architect's office, 41 Clark street, Chicago, by 11 o'clock A. M., June 14, 1873. Bidders are invited to be present at that time. "If one or more contracts are awarded to any party under the above mentioned proposals, a good and sufficient bond in each case, to insure its fulfillment, will be required, and will not be discharged until March 1, 1874. Work must be completed within ninety days from the time the contract is signed. ' 'S. W. SHATTUCK, Regent, pro tern., ' 'J. M. VAN OSDEL, Architect, 1 'URBANA, June 5, 1873. For the Trustees." The architect, Messrs. Cobb, Scott. Lawrence, Edwards, and the Regent, members of a committee appointed'and instructed to meet at the architect's office in Chicago, June 14, 1873, at 11 A. M., met as per instructions. The minutes of the meeting are as follows : The sub-commiitee of the Executive Committee met at the office of J . M. Van Osdel, Esq., at 11 o'clock A. M. Present—Messrs. Cobb, Edwards, Lawrence, Scott, Van Osdel, and Prof. Shattuck, Regent pro tern. On motion, the bids received for heating apparatus were opened, and appeared as follows : Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co. of Chicago $26,250 John Davis & Co., of Chicago 19,200 Bennett Hot Air Furnace Co., Cincinnati 17,100 The specifications and plans of Messrs. Crane Bros, and John Davis & Co., were read and discussed, Committee took recess until 2 o'clock P. M.
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