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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

149 A warrant for $181 was ordered to be drawn in full settlement of Prof. Baker's salary to April 17, 1873. The appointments for the chair of English, and Assistants, was deferred until next meeting. It was decided that Prof. Snyder continue in charge of the Military Department, also of Modern Languages, and be relieved from teaching Book-keeping for the next year. The Eegent was authorized to begin the grading and laying out of the grounds around the new University, and a sum not to exceed $200 assigned for the purpose. Mr. Stedman's salary to the 23d of April, was ordered to be paid, as also was, upon the report of the Business Agent, the amount of $504 37 as the ascertained amount of his maximum salary for last year. Mr. Vickroy was allowed the sum of $336 81 in full settlement of his maximum salary. Authority was given for the purchase of an Engineer's Transit, for $430, to be charged to the appropriation for Library and Apparatus. A warrant for $50 was ordered to be drawn for Dr. E. S. Hull, of Alton, for lecturing expenses last winter. The Eegent was instructed to have the specimens of soils collected by the State Geologist removed to the University Cabinet, and expenses allowed. The action of the Eegent, in employing counsel in the suits brought against the University, was approved. The Eegent and Eeeording Secretary were instructed to prepare the semi-annual report, and submit same to the next meeting. The following motion of Judge Brown was adopted : WHEREAS Mr. Flagg, who had charge of the Experimental Farm, desires the services of Mr. Vickroy as superintendent of the detail of the work: and whereas this service will add so greatly to the labor and responsibility of Mr. Vickroy as to make an addition to his salary fair and equitable; therefore, Resolved, That Mr. Vickroy's salary be increased to $1200, exclusive of the perquisites now allowed him, of which sum $300 shall be charged and paid out of the fund appropriated to Farm Experiments - The Eegent was instructed to have an additional team and harness purchased for the Horticultural Department, such purchase not to exceed $200. The necessary repairs on barn and house on Horticultural grounds were ordered to be done. It was resolved that the Architect be requested to prepare full and exact specifications for the various kinds of works, except heating apparatus, yet to be done on the new building, as soon as the 28th inst., and report the same to the Eegent. The Eegent was instructed to advertise as soon as such specifications are received, for proposals for all the work or parts of the work to be done on the new University building. The Eegent was also authorized to forthwith advertise for proposals to put a first-class heating apparatus in the new building; bonds to be required, which will not be discharged until March, 1874.
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