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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

148 Tour attention is asked to the letter of the State Attorney-G-eneral in regard to University suits also the communication from Governor Beveridge in regard to the semi-annual financial report, which will be due on the 31st inst. Favorable attention to the report of wants in Horticultural Department is invited./ I t is thought desirable, tinder the present circumstances, that Mr. Vickroy should take charge of the experiments which Mr. Flagg has had in hand for the past two years. Mr. Yickroy thinks that if this additional responsibility is placed upon him, his salary should be increased by $200. Tour consideration is asked for a communication from Prof. Stuart in regard to the Laboratory, and from Prof. Robinson in regard to using the Mechanical Shops the coming vacation. The State Legislature, at its recent session, passed two bills appropriating money to the University. The first is for $7,500—$6,000 for taxes, and $1,500 for carrying on the experiments commenced by Mr. Flagg. The second bill appropriates $41,550 for finishing and furnishing the new University building, and the heating and lighting fixtures ; also, $3,000 for furniture and apparatus of a physical laboratory. The necessities of the University require that the new building be ready for use at the opening of the next year, the first of September. This being true, I hardly need say that immediate action of your part is called for. As Dr. Gregory, at your last meeting, presented his recommendation on this matter, I will offer none, except to draw your attention to a communication from Prof. Robinson bearing upon the matters of heating the building, and the apparatus for the Physical Laboratory. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. W. SHATTUCK, Regent pro tern. The report was received, but consideration deferred until afternoon. Bills presented for payment were then audited and allowed. The reports of the Business Agent of general expenses to date, Mechanical and Carpenter Departments, were then read and received. The following communication from the Architect, J. M. Yan Osdel, Esq., was read and accepted : CHICAGO, May 11,1873. To the Executive Committee Illinois Industrial University : I am not able to be present with you on the 13th inst., but oan, perhaps, by this communication' enable the committee to take such action on all matters pertaining to the completion of the new building as well as if I were present. I have not had time to write all the specifications of the unfinished parts of the building, including heating apparatus, and would ask for instruction in regard to heating, as the fourth or attic story is not furnished with flues to receive the hot air from coils placed in the basement. Therefore, I would ask: 1st, shall I specify that the fourth story rooms shall have coils placed in the rooms (similar to those in the present Regent's office); and if any, shall they be placed in all the rooms ? 2d. Shall coils be placed in the principal corridors or passages on the first floor; if so, the heat will ascend the stairways to the fourth story. 3d. How many rooms in basement require heating ? Coils must be placed in such rooms same &s in the fourth story. The Committee will please take action upon these several points, and have the instructions sent to me. I would respectfully suggest that the Committee order proposals to be obtained for the completion of the building in accordance with the plans and specification now in possession of the Board; also for steam heating apparatus of sufficient capacity to heat all the rooms in the building simultaneously to a temperature of 70 ° in the coldest winter weather. Or, if it is necessary, to have complete specifications of such apparatus before ordering the estimates, they can be made ready for your next meeting, and will not delay the building, provided estimates and proposals are obtained in the meantime for the finishing of the building, which proposals may be opened and acted upon at your next meeting. I am obliged to be in Springfield on Wednesday next, and my health will not permit me to travel three nights in succession. Hoping you will not be inconvenienced by my absence, I remain Yours, respectfully, J. M. VAN OSDEL. The Committee took a recess till 1:30 P . M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Committee re-assembled, as by adjournment. The Begent's report was taken up for action.
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