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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

142 Resolved, That notice of these facts be at once personally served upon Adam Johnson, David G. Evans, Francis Taylor and George B. Merriman, securities upon the bond for Mr. Gehlman. The following resolution was offered by Mr. E. Cobb, and adopted by the Committee : Resolved, That we bfelieve the office of State Entomologist very important to the agricultural and educational interests of the State, and that we respectfully ask the General Assembly to make the proper appropriations for the salary of its incumbent, and for the expense of illustrating the work he has prepared for instructing the people of the State in practical Entomology. The Committee adjourned, to the call of the Begent. FEBBUAKY 26, 1873. The Committee met on Wednesday, February 26, at 9 A. M., in the Regent's office. Present—Messrs. Cobb, Cunningham, t Goltra, Lawrence, Pearson, Pickrell, Scott and the Regent. Absent—A. M. Brown. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. On motion of Judge Lawrence, a Committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Pearson, Cunningham and Cobb, to draw up a resolution expressive of the sense of this Committee in relation to the appropriation now pending before the Legislature. Mr. E. Cobb offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the following amounts are hereby appropriated as current expenses, in addition to the appropriation made by the full Board at the meeting of March 12th, 1872 : Board expense Building and repairs Incidental expense Library and Cabinet $300 00 1, 000 00 300 00 200 00 Mr. Cunningham, from the sub-committee, reported the following resolution, which was adopted: WHEREAS it is represented to this Committee that a bill is now pending before the General Assembly of Illinois, appropriating to the University the sum of $75, 000. which sum is by said bill charged with the payment of certain alleged claims of the creditors of Mr. Gehlman, contractor; therefore, Resolved, That this Committee has no knowledge of any legal claims of any person whatever against the University, on account of work performed or materials furnished for the University Building. All dues under our contract with Mr. Gehlman having been promptly paid, upon the approval by the architect, according to said contract. Judge Cunningham then offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Eegent be requested to communicate with the Attorney-General of Illinois, in relation to the defense in the courts of Champaign county, of all suits now pending against the Uni^ versity. Carried. The following communication from Prof. Bobinson was referred to the Begent and Mr. Pearson:
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