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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

141 The Regent was authorized to subscribe for such periodicals for 1873, as he and the faculty may decide upon. The Committee adjourned to the call of the Regent. JANUARY 7, 1873. The Committee met at the call of the Regent, at 4:30 P. M. Present—Messrs. Cobb, Cunningham, Pickrell, Scott, and the Regent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Dr. Gregory then read the reports from the machine and carpenter shops, also a communication from Mr. D. A. Stedman. All of which were received and ordered to be placed on file. The following communication was then read: To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: Owing to the unprecedented advance in the price of mateiial and labor since I undertook to erect your main University building, I find myself wholly unable to complete the work for the original price, including " extras " allowed. Since the sum of $75,000 appropriated by the State at the first session of the 27th General Assembly was exhausted in the payment for material, and freights for the transportation of such material, I have received from the Trustees the sum of $54,848 05, and have paid out during the same time for other material and labor used in construction of said building the sum of $61,055 92. There are now outstanding claims against the building for material and labor amounting to about the sum of $16,000, mostly due to men who are in actual need of their money. From estimates made, there will yet be required to complete the building the sum of $15,000. I am prepared to make a full showing of all my accounts and vouchers whenever called upon to do so by your Board, or by any person authorized to examine the same. Respectfully, E. F. GEHLMAK CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , January 2, 1873. The communication was received, and the Committee took a recess until 8 P. M. EVENJNG- SESSION. Committee reassembled as per adjournment. Statement of Book-keeper of reeeix>ts and expenditures read and received. The bills presented for payment audited and allowed. The matter of collection for hay presses manufactured for Woodmansee Eros., of ITrbana, was referred to Judge Cunningham. The settlement for a hay press made lor W. Harris, of Champaign, was referred to Mr, J. B. Scott. Bills of Mr. Gourley for services as watchman on University building, and Mr. Gehlman for office building, were laid on the table. The following resolution was adopted: WI-IEEEAS, Written notice has been served upon the Regent, from Mr. E. F. Gehlman, of the fact that he has abandoned his contract with the University, of June 7, 1871, for the erection and completion of the main University building; and whereas, the building is left upon the hands of the Trustees in an unfinished condition ; therefore
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