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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

140 On motion the same were accepted and ordered to be placed on file. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The report of the Book-keeper and statement of receipts and expenditures were then received. The bills presented for payment were audited and allowed. Mr. J. E. Scott reported as a committee on valuation of a division fence on University lands (Griggs' Farm), that the said fence was not yet completed, and, therefore, no action necessary. Eeport accepted. The Committee took a recess till 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Committee met at the hour appointed. The chairman of the Horticultural Committee moved that the rent for gardener's house be fixed at $15 per month from first of November, 1872. Voted. On recommendation of the Professor of Chemistry, A. P. S. Stuart, to purchase working apparatus for fifty more desks in the chemical laboratory, the Professor was authorized to order the same, to be charged to the State appropriation of 1872. Professor Eobinson, from Mechanical Department, reported the need of various articles for use of shops, asking an appropriation of $132. Granted. The balance of Mr. Thomas Waddell's salary as Superintendent of new University building was ordered to be paid. Mr. E. Cobb was instructed to settle with the Kankakee Planing Mills for extra work and glass for new University building, and a warrant ordered to be drawn for amount found due. The reports from the carpenter shop about work done, earnings, etc., were read and accepted. On motion, the accounts of the arbitrators in the matter of extras at $50, were audited, and one-half the amount ordered to be charged to Mr. Gehlinan. Judge Cunningham offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the Eegent be requested to prepare, have printed, and transmit to Congress, a memorial favoring the passage of the bill now pending before that body for the further endowment of Agricultural Colleges out of the revenues to arise from the sale of the public lands, and that he be authorzed to affix the names of the members present of this Committee to said memorial. The account of Mr. Gehlinan for repairs on roof of mechanic and drill hall was referred to a committee consisting of the Eegent, Messrs. Scott and Cunningham, with request to investigate and report. Dr. Gregory reported that he had the promise of the Corresponding Secretary, W. 0. Eiagg, Esq., to deliver gratuitously a regular course of agricultural lectures to the students of the University during the winter term. The report was accepted.
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