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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

138 3. The head-farmer of the stock-farm, and the head-gardener or superintendent of Horticultural Department may purchase articles of immediate necessity, and procure such blacksmitking and repair of tools, as the work of their departments may require, and may make sales of such farm and garden products as may need to be sold; and all such purchases, repairs and sales, shall be reported to the Regent's office, at the close of each month. Second. The several superintendents of heads of shops, farms, and other practical departments hall keep memorandum books, in which they shall note, from time to time, the articles wanted in their respective departments, and shall report their want monthly to the Regent, who shall report them to the Executive Committee for their action. Third. I t shall be the duty of the Hegent to report every violation of these rules to the Executive Committee at the next meeting after such violation shall become known. The bills presented for payment were audited and allowed. A bill of W. 0. Burnett, for one quarter mile of division fence on the University farm, was referred to Mr. James Scott, to report at next meeting. The reports from Horticultural Department, the Mechanical and Carpenter Shop and Agricultural Department were read and adopted. A bill of $50 to A. Johnson, for stone spawls, was allowed. The Eegent was authorized to have such printing- and advertising of the University done, as he may deem proper. On motion, $60 were allowed toward furnishing the Drill Hall with gymnastic apparatus. On motion of Judge Cunningham, it was Resolved, That the Eegent be authorized to cause such grading to be done around the new building as will be necessary to turn the surface water away from the building. The Eegent was instructed to have the floor of the two Society rooms in the new University building laid in alternate strips of walnut aud ash. The subject of arrangements of the outside course of lectures was referred to the Eegent and Corresponding Secretary. The Superintendent of Experimental Farm was authorized to sell such products and crops of the farm as, in his discretion, he may find desirable. On motion of Mr. E. Cobb, a warrant was ordered to be drawn to Mr. Gehlman, for such an amount as J. M. Yan Osdel, the architect, shall certify as due him under the contract. On recommendation of J. M. Pearson, chairman of the Mechanical Committee, a blower was ordered to be bought for the Mechanical Shop, and further, that the price of the engine transferred from the Mechanical Department to the Farm, be fixed at $500, same amount to be charged to the Mechanical Shop. The Eegent was authorized to have the chimney for engine-house raised 20 feet. The Committee adjourned, to meet again at the call of the Eegent.
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