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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

137 The Begent was directed to have a suitable flagstaff erected on the northeast tower of the new University building*-. The Committee approved the following appointments of tutors and assistants made by the Regent: Mr. E. S. Steele, tutor in Latin and English, salary $600 for the year. Mr. Ohas. W. Silver, assistant in chemical laboratory, salary $700 for the year. Miss Charlotte E. Patchin, teacher of free hand drawing, at $10 a week. Mr. P. Gennadius, teacher of French, salary $30 per month. Miss M. E. Gregory, private secretary to the Regent, at $30 per month. Mr. Charles W. Rolfe, assistant in library and cabinet, at $40 per month. Mr. H. C. Bicker, instructor in architectural or projection drawing, at $50 per month. The Committee then adjourned to meet Wednesday, November 6th, 1872. NOVEMBER 6, 1872 The Committee met on Wednesday, November 6, 1872, in the Begent's office, at 4 o'clock P. M. Present—Messrs. Brown, Cunningham, Goltra, Pickrell, Pearson, Scott, and the Regent. The Committee took a recess to inspect the new University building. EVENING- SESSION. The record of the last meeting wxas read and approved. The Bookkeeper's statement of expenditures to date and collections was read and accepted. The following resolutions and rules were adopted: Resolved, That the order of this Committee passed at the October meeting, directing that Porf. Snyder be relieTed from his classes in bookkeeping, and that all purchases for the use of the University be made through the Eegeiit, be modified by the adoption of the following rules for the government of all persons in the employ of the University. First No purchases or sales shall be made for the University, nor debts be contracted against the University hj any officer, Superintendent, or other employee of the University, or of any of its departments, without an express order of the Board of Trustees, or of the Executive Committee, except in the following cases, viz : 1. The Eegent may procure in intervals of the meeting of the Executive Committee, such necessary labor, service, tools and materials, as cannot be dispensed with till the next meeting of the Committee : but he shall give full account of the same, at such meeting. 2. The Superintendent in charge of either of the shops may purchase such articles as may be required for immediate use, and may make such sales and cause to be performed such work as may be required during the month ; but these purchases shall be entered upon a pass-book, and shall be reported, together with all work done and sales made, to the Eegent's office, at the close of each month. —18
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